Thursday, December 19, 2019

Petition to Pardon Roger Stone

There is a new YouTube video, 30 seconds in duration, that asks people to sign a petition urging President Trump to pardon Roger Stone.

Petition to Pardon Roger Stone Gaining Traction


The narrator says, “Comey, Brennan McCabe, and Strzok all lied to Congress, but only Roger Stone was prosecuted and convicted when there was no Russian collusion to lie about.

“Mueller really prosecuted Roger Stone for refusing to testify falsely about the president.”

The video cuts to Fox News political commentator, Tucker Carlson, who says, “How can you look over at these guys who lie in the course of wrecking the country?”

Then Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton says, “If I was the president, I would be pardoning people like Stone in a heartbeat.”

The narrator returns to say, Urge President Trump to pardon Roger Stone now. Sign the petition at today.

28,017 people, as of press time, counting myself, have signed the petition.


I am aware that there will be people who will be annoyed with me for bringing up Stone on this website.

However, Stone is a friend of mine and that to me is more significant than politics.

On top of that, if Stone did lie to Congress, which I am not convinced of, it was an utterly harmless lie, since the premise the inquiries were based upon a supposed Russian collusion with Trump which has been debunked because it never happened.

Regardless of Trump’s merit or demerit as president, he did not collude with Russians in the election. Neither did Stone.

Roger should not be caged in prison when there was no harm done.

As for intimidating a witness, Randy Credico, I have spoken to Credico and he was not even slightly intimidated. That never really came out in the trial – that Stone and he were friends for years and Stone was joking with him, teasing him, which he had done for years.

They tried to make Stone out as a godfather type telling him to imitate Frank Pentangeli, a character from the Godfather film who actually was intimidated by the Godfather Micheal Corleone. What was not brought up in the trial is that Credico is a comedian and has done an imitation of Frank Pentangeli from the movie for years.

It was just a joke, among friends, not a threat. Credico knew it.

Credico told me – but he did not evidently get a chance to tell this to the jury – that he was not frightened in the slightest by his old friend Roger, and not influenced to testify or not testify based on anything Roger said to him.

I interviewed Credico before Stone was charged and after Credico testified before Congress.

The trial against Stone was scary in its implications. It was set in DC, with a highly partisan judge whose rulings on jury selection almost assured a conviction.

It is my opinion, that based on the highly partisan, anti-Trump prosecution of Stone, Trump, as a matter of honor and justice, should pardon Stone.

It is, I believe, absolutely true, that if Stone was willing to lie – but about Trump – he would not have been charged.

Tucker Carlson does not think much of Comey, Brennan, and Strzok. They lied and their lies hurt the country, he says, but somehow they have not been prosecuted.

Despite the no violent nature of his alleged crime, Stone’s house was raided by federal agents and he was led away from his home in handcuffs.

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