Daily Bites from “Sometimes God Has a kid’s face”

Highlights by PL Sturgis: Sister Mary Rose wrote this little booklet for the public in 2010. She was President of Covenant House, PO box 96708. Washington DC 20090-6708, until she died in 2012 when Kevin Ryan took over as president. Covenant House depends almost entirely upon people like you to help over 60,000 runaway and homeless kids every year. They provide food, shelter, clothing, medical attention, education, vocational training, and counseling for kids with no place to go. Please help if you can?
Daily Bites of Prayers for the Kids on the Street:
Series 1:
Bite 1) The Kids in the Chapel: About the author
Bite 2)The Introduction: by Kevin Ryan
Bite 3) The Kids in the Chapel: The Kid on the Asphalt
Bite 4) The Kid lying on the Asphalt Playtime is Over
Bite 5) The Kids in the Chapel: Sandy’s Story
Series 2:
Bite 6) The Saddest Questions: Am I Still God’s Little Girl?
Bite 7) The Saddest Questions: May I Sleep Here Tonight?
Bite 8) The Saddest Questions: Do I have to go Home?
Bite 9) The Saddest Questions: Can I Make it on my own?
Bite 10) The Saddest Questions: May I Come Back Again?
Series 3:
Bite 11) Should I Trust You?: Too Much to Bear
Bite 12) Should I Trust You? : Choosing the Streets
Bite 13) Should I Trust You?: Too Hurt to Cry:
Bite 14) Should I Trust You?: Dangling by a Thread
Bite 15) Should I Trust You?: Someone to Love me
Series 4:
Bite 16) My Home is Nowhere: What am I Supposed to do?
Bite 17) My Home is Nowhere: I Used to Live at Home
Bite 18) My Home is Nowhere: No Bed to Sleep in
Bite 19) My Home is Nowhere: Must I always be alone?
Bite 20) My Home is Nowhere: Covenant House Kid’s Prayer
Series 5:
Bite 21) When Silence Speaks Volumes: More than Words Can Say
Bite 22) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Too Heartbroken to Speak:
Bite 23) When Silence Speaks Volumes: God’s Special Kids:
Bite 24) When Silence Speaks Volumes: Searching for Victims:
Bite 26) Incredible Danger: Brutally Victimized
Bite 27) Incredible Danger: As Long as You Care
Bite 28) Incredible Danger: Too Sad to Write
Bite 29) Incredible Danger: Just Like a Statue
Bite 30) Incredible Danger: Howie’s Story
Daily Bites of Prayers for the Kids on the Street: Series 1: The Kids in the Chapel: Bite 1) About the author:
As President of Covenant House, America’s largest shelter for homeless and runaway kids, Sister Mary Rose McGeady was one of the nation’s leading “front line” experts on street kids. In this capacity, Sister Mary Rose regularly testified before committees in Washington DC..., along with speaking on behalf of “her kids” on television and in speeches across America. Prior to joining Covenant House, Sister Mary Rose worked with children for more than 40 years, including stints as, Executive director of the Astor Home for children in Rhinebeck, New York; Executive Director for the Learning Center for Exceptional Children and the Kennedy Child’s Study Center, both in New York City; and Associate Director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Brooklyn. Sister Mary Rose has been a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul for more than 50 years. Sister Mary Rose died at the age of 84 on September 13,2012 but her legacy of love lives on in every child who comes to our door.
Series 1: The Kids in the Chapel: Bite 2) The Introduction: by Kevin Ryan:
In her final days as I sat beside of Sister Mary Rose McGeady, Covenant House former President and author of the book, “Sometimes God has a kid’s Face” I thought about all the homeless kids she had comforted in their time of need. She died in Albany, New York surrounded by family and friends. She lived to be 84. She died on September 13, 2012. she lived and died every day with the success and failure of these kids. She saw the face of God in the tired faces of these beautiful forgotten kids. Covenant House now reaches more than 61,000 homeless kids a year, in 6 countries, including the United States and Canada.
Series 1: The Kids in the Chapel: Bite 3) The Kid on the Asphalt:
The dark car hurled down the street across the avenue from our Outreach Van. Suddenly their door flew open and a body flew out of the car and rolled over several times on the asphalt. the car screeched to a halt but the tall thin girl who had tumbled out got up and ran toward our van. “Help me! Help me!” she cried. Blood was running down her face and arms. The car raced toward our van. Then stopped for a long pause but eventually sped away. “Are they following us?” she asked, with her body glued to the floor of our van. “They will kill me if they ever catch me.” She said this as tears rolled down her face. Blood was everywhere. Her eyes pierced through the darkness. Those kinds of eyes you don’t often see and can never forget; eyes that begged and pleaded for safety. “You are safe,” we told her but her eyes seemed to answer...”I’ve heard that before!”
Series 1: The Kids in the Chapel: Bite 4) Playtime is Over:
The first few hours back at the shelter were like a scene out of the emergency room. Her clothes were tattered and torn. Her body was bruised and bleeding. She had a severe bruise on her left arm but the doctor confirmed it was not broken. We knew that as bad as she was hurt on the outside it was the inside that was hurt the most. She was, at times, almost inconsolable. Here was this young kid barely 17, rocking and screaming on the couch, unable to stop the pain inside. Over and over she asked: “Am I really safe?” We assured her she is safe but once we heard her story we understood why she was afraid. “I’ve been living in the street for a long time,” she said. “My name is Sandy. I am running from a guy named Nate. I met him last year. I thought he loved me but now I know he doesn’t. I didn’t want to be on the street. I thought I could believe him. The words poured out fast and furious. There was so much pain in her soul. There was so much torment she needed to unload before she could ever hope for healing.
Series 1: The Kids in the Chapel: Bite 5) Sandy’s Story:
(to be continued)
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