“Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!”
So don’t let spin doctors and fake media tell you lies about the woman who is bringing down the giants in the swamp! And there are a great number of them, more than anyone could have imagined!
Powell stated that the ‘New World Order’ has ‘OVERTHROWN The Republican Party’ and that the Republican Party sold its soul to the “New World Order” in return for large cash payments in the form of “enormous bribes.” Sidney Powell warned the GOP risks being “neutered like a bitch” by “the Great Reset” in 2021 if President Trump’s second term is stolen from him by “children of darkness.”Thank you to Sidney Powell for exposing corruption on all sides. The Republican Party sold out for some cash and the American People have found out! Now wait and see the real uniting- patriots stand for a nation, not a party! RINOS join your minions on the left and get out of America’s way! We are for freedom and we are standing up!
These are strong and vividly colorful words from a serious, well seasoned Military Attorney who just won’t roll over and allow the media to drag her reputation through the mud. She is chomping at the bit to get on with the real justice and that is the days in court. Be it the Supreme Court or before the Military Tribunal.
In an interview, Sidney Powell stated, “The Republican elite are not safe hiding behind their propaganda fueled media institutions, making unaccountable decisions in D.C., and silencing patriots who speak out against this insanity.
“When Trump begins his second term a tidal wave of punishment will be coming their way, the likes of which has never been seen before in this country.” In a news report by Hal Turner, his sources state that Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp and the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger both allegedly took money from Communist China, perhaps to intentionally STEAL the November 3rd Election for Joe Biden.
Click link to read full
Excerpts from Hal Turner Report: “According to very high-level sources from my years working National Security Intelligence with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, the feds have PROOF of the payments to both Kemp and Raffensperger.
“A recent report states the feds have PROOF of the payments to both Kemp and Raffensperger.
“The Trump election legal team forced the President to WAIT before revealing this until both Kemp and Raffensperger CERTIFIED the Election results.
“According to those same sources, once Kemp and Raffensperger CERTIFIED the results, their crime was complete. Both men certified those election results this week. By law, Mr. Raffensperger was obliged to certify the election results before 5 p.m. on Friday. Gov. Kemp had to then certify the results by 5 p.m. on Saturday. Both men did exactly those acts.
“The implications of this revelation are staggering. First, that a sitting REPUBLICAN Governor would stab his Party’s President, and our nation, in the back, for a foreign government, is utterly horrifying. People are already asking ” My God, what could they have offered that he would sell out his own people? His own country?”
“That a foreign nation would DARE to pay money in order to rig or steal a U.S. Presidential Election is . . . a casus belli (Cause for war.) China appears to have tried to STEAL our freedom by STEALING our Elections. War is justified.
“Again, the national security intelligence sources with whom I have spoken, assure me this information is solid and the proof is already in government hands.“
And now you know why Attorney Sidney Powell said she was going to Blow up Georgia starting with the Governor and Attorney General!
Non-military justice cases relating to national security issues (such as treaty interpretation, constitutional law, federal criminal law, and civil liberties) are heard by the general federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals, and U.S. District Courts. For more information on these courts and where you can find their decisions, see the Library’s Case Law Research Guide.https://guides.ll.georgetown.edu/c.php?g=365986&p=5204253
Laws are complicated but rest assured Sidney Powell knows the law and is both a criminal prosecutor and defense lawyer. She is now representing the United States Citizens against blatant constitutional, federal criminal, and civil liberty violations WHICH are treasonous and will not relent in representing the citizens at any court level. She is equipted. Moreover, here is a link that shows the laws and offenses those who took part in the election fraud and foreign nation meddling are facing: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=%2Fprelim%40title18%2Fpart1%2Fchapter115&edition=prelim Aside from her extremely huge Federal Attorney record with the Department of Justice with over 500 Supreme Court Cases, Sidney Powell has proven she is more than equipped to represent military justice/Federal cases such as General Flynn in his Military Logan Act case and had it overturned. Deep State is still fighting that ruling. If there is a discrepancy, it would be in the part of the statement that “she is the only one who can prosecute at” should be stated, “She is the best one to prosecute at”.

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