The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe


, Americans patriot constitutionalist

I used to believe that there was always someone in government that would do the right thing, that there was always someone there who knew the difference between right and wrong, and would protect the weak and the innocent from the evil in the world and that justice would always and ultimately prevail! I use to believe and thought our nation and our country and our form of government was unique, and the best form of government in the world, today I no longer believe these things especially in Delaware state and the states that are working in conspiracy with Delaware state, and that there is no one in the parameter of government in Delaware who have any moral or ethical guidance whatsoever, I no longer believe that there's anyone in these agencies of government who are fighting to protect the constitutional liberties and freedoms of the people of this state.
When the legislative body of a state allows the conversation and dialogue that is destructive to the liberty and freedoms of the people of this nation they are conspiring with others and are performing tyranny and treason against the people and the very nation they are getting paid to protect, this is a breach of contract by their oath of office,and this is designed destruction of our political process, and it is a premeditated act of war against our form of government and the people of this nation.
All bad forms of legislation are designed for the deconstruction of liberty and our form of government! it is political and legislative sabotage and subliminal warfare against liberty itself, it is and was the cause for separation from the King and all bad governments, the purpose and the reason for the creation of the Constitution of the United States of America, was for exactly the same reasons today as it was in 1776, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was created to stop misconstruction or abuse of the powers of government.
When any form of government dictates to a man a creation of God what that man's rights are, then that government is in conflict with God and does not represent good and prosperity for man, when the legislative body claims that it has the right to dictate to the creations of God what their rights are, that legislative body is sabotaging the power of God, God has given all men the right of self-defense, to defend themselves and their families friends and loved ones and their properties from any force in the world, be it another man or be it a group of men or government,the right of self-defense is a God given right and liberty that no man has the right to take away or abolish! And that's why the founding fathers put in the Bill of Rights shall not be infringed!
Any infringement or an attempt to infringe on any of our constitutional protected liberties and freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, is a legislative and subliminal act of war against the people of this nation, and anyone proclaiming or trying to enact any infringement of our liberties and freedoms should be declared as a treasonous individual warring against liberty and freedom itself and has no place in the parameters of our government!
By- Bill Sharpe Sussex County Delaware 4/26/2023
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Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance |

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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