Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Epstein Worked for the Mossad

Forget Russia.
No foreign country interferes more in our elections than Our Greatest Ally, Israel.

Many are digging into Jeffrey Epstein’s past now that he was suicided in jail, but very few are reporting that he was “brought into the family business” by former Mossad super-spy Robert Maxwell, the late father of Epstein’s madame Ghislaine Maxwell who himself died under “mysterious circumstances” of “an apparent suicide”.

For this episode, we’re going to be talking about Epstein’s ties to Israel, Attorney General Barr’s plan to deploy spy software developed by an Epstein-owned Israeli company, and a retired Brigadier General who was recently arrested for child pornography.

This is EPISODE 305 of So to Speak w/ Jared Howe!

"Epstein Worked for the Mossad, 2852"

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