Lisa Page Testimony Reveals Strzok Wanted To Trap Trump’s Son-In-Law Jared Kushner. Here’s What He Had Planned.It seems that Lisa Page has spilled all of the beans when it comes to all of the corruption over at the FBI and Department of Justice during the 2016 presidential election, dropping bombshell after bombshell about all of the nasty little goodies that these folks had planned for Donald Trump and those connected to his campaign.
Freedom Caucus investigators managed to get Page to crack and reveal some new details about the infamous “Crossfire Hurricane” plot designed to trap President Trump’s wet-behind-the-ears son-in-law who, for some strange reason that no one really understands, runs point on policy for the Trump administration.
The plot is crumbling, but Trump absolutely needs to be made aware that Kushner was the real target of this scheme, although the plan does put Trump’s longest adviser, Roger Stone, in danger of being tossed in the clink for invented process crimes.
An insider deeply entrenched in D.C. recently sent a dispatch to Big League Politics revealing the following information:
“The Rosenstein scope memo from August 2, 2017 is now clear due to the Lisa Page Congressional Testimony. The scope memo references Manafort and to this date a second individual that is redacted. There has been speculation that it was someone close to Trump and even that it was Jared Kushner. The Page congressional testimony released today and her text to Strzok on May 9th 2017 makes it clear that they didn’t have anything of great value but needed to lock Kushner into a statement that could be nitpicked against to create a crime that would help get Trump through his son-in-law. How the public could ever trust the FBI/DOJ if no one ever goes to jail for the only coup attempt in U.S. History?”
Take a look at the texts mentioning Kushner below:
May 9th 2017:Strzok “We need to open the case we’ve been waiting on now while Andy is acting.”Page “We need to lock in *******. In a formal chargeable way. Soon.”
“Soon after the May 9th text, someone from the FBI leaks to the Washington Post that Kushner is a person of interest in the Russia investigation,” our source said.
It’s absolutely stunning how desperate the left was to prevent Trump from winning the presidency. What in the world are these folks so afraid of? Why are they so desperate to be rid of this man that they would go all out like this to stop an agenda that’s aimed at improving the quality of life for all Americans?
The fact of the matter is, they knew if Trump took office, he would undo the vast majority of the work Obama did during his time in office, effectively making his “legacy” null and void. What they don’t understand is that this is a good thing. Obama did a lot of damage. We’re finally on track to heal from all of that, thanks to Trump and the implementation of his agenda.
Let’s hope the folks involved in these plots are brought to justice and pay for their attempts to thwart the will of the people.
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Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870
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