Monday, January 14, 2019


Janet Varney

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Democrats Are STILL The Party Of Racism Today ... Republicans fought against slavery in the south while Democrats defended it, and while Democrats pushed for segregation and Jim Crow laws, Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Ninety percent of the racism in America today comes from the Democratic Party and the Left. They live off it and exploit it. It is unconscionable to the degree they do this, ruining the lives and futures of the very people they say they are helping in the process.

The Wall we rarely if ever hear about is the impregnable one built by the Democrats to keep their own citizenry out.
The wall protecting Democrats is held in place by 95% of the mainstream and social media, the Entertainment Industry, education institutions, sporting world and on and on.

Criticism of the Democrats cannot find its way over, under or around the Democrat built-in protection wall while Democrat and media criticism of President Donald Trump has been served up every day since Jan. 20, 2017 and rages on.

The Democrats and their running dog complacent media smear with impunity President Donald Trump’s proposed southern border wall as “immoral” and “racist’.
But the wall the Democrats built to keep the citizenry in their place is the one that’s patently “immoral” and “racist”.

For more than 40 years, politicians of the day have done nothing to protect the people of the U.S.A. from illegal immigrants flooding the border.

From time to time, depending on election cycles, top Democrats Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer et al have made promises for border protection before going on to break each and every one.

No one gets it better than radio giant Rush Limbaugh:
“The hypocrisy is raging here. I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s deranged. We have an ongoing problem that results in rapes and murders, illegal drugs, human trafficking. The president, who wants to fix the problem and help innocent people, is being mocked, laughed at, made fun of, and ridiculed and stonewalled by the Democrats. This is what unhinged looks like.”

It’s getting crazier by day in crazed Democrat land.
Worse, the Democrats and the media are now openly mocking, making fun of and ridiculing the slaughter of American citizens by illegals who made it in across the border.

CNN pundit Ana Navarro filed her nails on TV while listening to a list of hate crimes against American citizens by illegal immigrants.  Her despicable nail filing went on while Trump supporter Steve Cortes was blasting crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

It’s getting crazier by day in crazed Democrat land.
With the nation still in mourning one week after the January 5 funeral of police officer Ronil (“Ron”) Singh, shot down and killed by an illegal immigrant on Dec. 26, come reports that some 30 Democrats were in Puerto Rico this weekend, meeting with lobbyists (3 for every Democrat) and attending a special performance of the Broadway play ‘Hamilton’.
The Democrats, it seems didn’t take some 800,000 federal workers, who received blank pay statements on Friday because of the border debate, behind their safe wall with them.

“Around 109 lobbyists and corporate executives are named in a memo welcoming the guests, who include some from prominent Washington firms, R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions like the National Education Association.
“The junket is taking place at a seaside resort where rooms run around $429 a night.  The participants paid for the “Hamilton” tickets with their own funds, the Washington Examiner reported.”

Not really, Don’t Democrat paychecks come from the public purse?

In any case, who has time for grief when there’s another junket, with a chartered jet flight getting them there and back?

“Eat, drink and be merry” seems to be the main Democrat credo.

President Trump hasn’t left the White House since Dec. 22, the day the partial government shutdown began: “I’ve been here virtually every night,” he says.

“The Dems,” he told Judge Jeanine Pirro, “must come to their senses on border security”.

With partying, junketing and media interviews,  on the top of Dem priorities, it looks like the president will be waiting for them to “come to their senses” for a long time because the only wall the Democrats want is the impenetrable one already in place.

By Janet Varney And Janet Varney's America

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