As Fusion GPS boss Glenn Simpson pleads the Fifth in his Tuesday testimony, the true power brokers of the Fusion GPS plot to set up and destroy President Donald Trump have come into very clear focus. (READ: Fusion GPS Spy Natalia Worked Out Of Obama Official’s Office).
Exposed: Soros And Obama Official Contributed To Fusion GPS Plot Against President Trump
George Soros funded Fusion GPS by making a grant to a Fusion GPS contractor while the Glenn Simpson-founded opposition research firm was engaged in the tactics responsible for the discredited Christopher Steele dossier against President Donald Trump. This fact was confirmed by a Soros spokesperson.
The Washington Post reported:
Deripaska wrote in a March 2018 op-ed in the Daily Caller about “unholy alliances” between Fusion GPS and the Justice Department. Deripaska added that an associate of Fusion GPS had told Waldman in March 2017 that the organization was partly funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, another bogeyman for Trump supporters and Russia. Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson declined to comment for this article. Soros’s spokesman, Michael Vachon, told me that Soros hadn’t funded Fusion GPS directly but had made a grant to the Democracy Integrity Project, which used Fusion GPS as a contractor.
Washington Post passage ends
The Washington Times’ Rowan Scarborough reported in March:
A Russian billionaire writes that George Soros, a major financier of liberal causes, is funding Fusion GPS, the firm that orchestrated the Christopher Steele dossier.
If true, it is possible that Fusion GPS’s ongoing anti-Trump investigations have not only been funded by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton campaign, but also by currency trader Soros. He recently pledged $18 billion to a cast of liberal groups and causes.
The Soros connection was asserted by Oleg Deripaska, a Russian aluminum magnate whose name pops up from time to time in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation.
Fox News acquired secret text messages between Sen. Mark Warner, Virginia Democrat and Senate Select Committee on Intelligence vice chairman, and Washington attorney Adam Waldman. Mr. Waldman represents Mr. Deripaska.
Mr. Warner used Mr. Waldman as a go-between to reach Mr. Steele, a former British spy to whom the committee wants to speak. The back-and-forth from Warner to Waldman to Steele did not appear to be productive.
Washington Times passage ends
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