Friday, September 14, 2018



The speculation became especially intense after The Intercept asserted that Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) “had refused to share the content of the letter with other members on the committee.”

Feinstein Forwards Mysterious Letter To FBI Naming Kavanaugh

After all the Democrat’s attempts to disrupt Judge Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS confirmation fizzled and backfired, they seem to have one last trick up their sleeve.

With Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate confirmation hearings for a seat on the Supreme Court wrapped up and the matter expected to go to the full Senate for the final vote, liberals appear to be throwing a last-second “Hail Mary” pass to block his approval.
A secret letter that names the nominee was forwarded by Democrats in the Senate to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for “appropriate” action, (some say, not until after they figure out whether they are for or against it, like they seem to have done with Hillary Clinton and President Donald Trump).
Nobody is officially saying a single word about it, which makes it “seem” really bad.
“Senator Schumer promised to ‘oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination with everything I have,’ and it appears he is delivering with this 11th-hour attempt to delay his confirmation,” White House spokesperson Kerri Kupec maintains.
She also boldly declares, “Throughout his confirmation process, Judge Kavanaugh has had 65 meetings with senators — including with Senator Feinstein — sat through over 30 hours of testimony, addressed over 2,000 questions in a public setting and additional questions in a confidential session. Not until the eve of his confirmation has Sen. Feinstein or anyone raised the specter of new ‘information’ about him.”
“Throughout 25 years of public service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has thoroughly and repeatedly vetted Judge Kavanaugh, dating back to 1993, for some of the most highly sensitive roles. He has served in the Office of Independent Counsel, the White House, and on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, all before his nomination earlier this year to serve as Associate Justice on the Supreme Court.”
A spokesman from Charles Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) office claims the Minority Leader “has not had access to the letter but believes the Judiciary Committee is handling it appropriately,” which means he must have some idea what’s in it.
Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) informed CNN he had not seen the letter or heard what was in it but “it smacks of desperation to me.”
Leakers are already hopefully hinting that #MeToo type charges may be waiting.
Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings turned into a three-ring circus on day one. The Democrat antics have been nonstop ever since. One ridiculous attempt after another to disrupt the proceedings has made well-known senators look like spoiled children.
Rumors have been swirling over Capitol Hill for two days now about the mysterious letter which is believed to have originally been provided to Representative Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), The Hill relates.
The speculation became especially intense after The Intercept asserted that Senator Diane Feinstein (D-Calif.) “had refused to share the content of the letter with other members on the committee.” Even the Democratic ones, only Feinstein and Schumer seem to know what it says.
According to The Intercept, they learned from sources that, “an individual affiliated with Stanford University,” relayed the letter to Eshoo. The Intercept describes the person as “a California constituent,” who described “an incident” that was relayed to the Stanford connection, “who authored the letter and sent it” to Rep. Eshoo.
The Intercept couldn’t get a coherent story out of their sources. “Different sources provided different accounts of the contents of the letter, and some of the sources said they themselves had heard different versions, but the one consistent theme was that it describes an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school.”
Senator Feinstein made a public statement Thursday cryptically declaring, “I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further.” So, Feinstein pressed the matter instead.
“I have honored that decision,” Feinstein asserts, by doing what the writer didn’t want done. “I have however referred the matter to federal investigative authorities.” The Hill reports that “a source familiar with the matter confirmed the letter had been referred to the FBI for investigation.”
Democrats on the committee are miffed because they wanted a chance to see for themselves if the letter warranted further action, “rather than leaving it to Feinstein to make that call unilaterally,” as she did.
Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) who sits on the Judiciary Committee told reporters he was aware that something had been sent to the FBI but had nothing to add. Lawmakers have been described as “tight-lipped” about what the letter might have to say, other than it is related to Kavanaugh.
More guesswork theorizes that the “woman” who “is the subject of the letter,” is represented by Attorney Debra Katz, who the Intercept describes as “a whistleblower attorney who works with #MeToo survivors.”
BuzzFeed reports, “the lawyer believed to be representing the woman was seen leaving Capitol Hill Wednesday evening shortly after the Intercept story dropped and just as Judiciary Committee Democrats were huddling in the Senate lobby.”
The lawyer would not confirm that to either the Interceptor Buzzfeed and refused to comment further.
The chairman of the committee, Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), said through a spokesman that he hadn’t seen the letter but read about it in the media and didn’t have any plans to change the vote schedule.
“All I know is what I read,” Grassley insists. “some two or three sentences that were in some report overnight. And since I don’t know anything more about it than just what I read, that’s all I can say at this point.”
Kavanaugh is expected to easily get the votes he needs at the committee level next week, then it will go to the Senate floor for a full vote of the entire chamber “expected at the end of the month.”

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