I don't know about you the American voter out there, But I would like to know where were these two idiots
when Obama and Hillary were committing crimes against WE THE PEOPLE ... They were nowhere to be heard ... The time has come for the American people to stand up for our President ... And stand against the Democrats and the Communist Congressman and Senators who have been Filibustering WE THE PEOPLE. With all this garbage about our President Trump, they are a disgrace to their office that they hold and the American People.
Democrats Just Introduced New Bill Into Congress To Take Down Donald Trump… THIS IS BADA new bill was introduced in the House of Representatives that is designed to target President Donald Trump. They are trying to determine if he is stable enough to stay in office.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif) introduced the bill on Friday and will call for Vice President Mike Pence and all the members of the Cabinet will be removed Trump from office.
This an obvious coup of the government. They are trying to use the 25th Amendment that allows the vice president and the majority of Cabinet members to remove the president from office.
“Does the President suffer from early-stage dementia,” Lofgren asked.
“Has emotional disorder so impaired the President that he is unable to discharge his duties,” she continued. “Is the President mentally and emotionally stable?”
The liberal Logren represents California’s 19th district and is not a professional psychiatrist or psychologist, according to Mercury News.
These people are nuts. They should keep on pushing this 25th Amendment crap. It even trended this summer under the #25thAmendment hashtag on Twitter.
“If it was a physical ailment, you would be getting the advice of doctors,” Lofgren told Mercury News. “The same thing should be true to take a look at his stability here.”
Share this to make it go viral. These liberals should push to invoke the 25th amendment. It would be the worst mistake of their lives.
The amendment is really designed to deal with brain dead presidents – like people in comas.
Here is the part these idiots are missing. Let’s take a look at Section 3 of the 25th amendment.
“Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.”
See that. It means that Trump could come back from this at any time if he says that he is mentally stable. The Democrats are the really unstable party right now.

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