Sunday, June 10, 2018

Obama could have been behind the conspiracy to destroy President Trump...

BOMBSHELL! Three former high-level US intelligence officials conclude that only Obama could have been behind the conspiracy to destroy President Trump

I have heard some refer to the Spygate/Obamagate/Russiagate scandal in terms of “spy thriller novel.”

It is NOT a spy thriller novel!
This is a treasonous conspiracy participated in by an army of scumballs, mostly in the upper levels of the US government, led by Barack Hussein, to spy on an opposing presidential candidate, who eventually became President of the United States, and to attempt ultimately to dishonestly frame him for manufactured misdeeds of which he was in no way guilty.

Their illegal scheme did not work, and now, as we discover just how deep and broad the conspiracy is, it is time for the swamp rats to account for their treason.

They should be dealt with as traitors have historically been dealt with, and that does not mean a slap on the wrist.

Kudos to the fine folks at Gateway Pundit for this stellar bit of investigative journalism involving reports from former US intelligence officials.
That this report comes from the horse’s mouth is not the big news, however. The big news is the confirmation that all roads lead to Barack Hussein, the only person authorized to approve his executive branch to perpetrate what is certainly the greatest crime by a presidential administration in our nation’s history.
Former high-level National Security Agency official-turned-whistleblower Bill Binney: “What Ray McGovern and I were thinking is that the whole conspiracy about the Russian narrative was concocted by Brennan and then most likely approved by Obama. This is what I told Pompeo when I was in with him. It requires the NSA, CIA, FBI, DNI, DNC and the DOJ to be coordinating — especially for things like the Steele dossier. The only one place they all come together and can be ordered to coordinate and cooperate is the president — which was Obama. The DOJ doesn’t fall under the DNI or anybody else — only the president.”
The Gateway Pundit investigative journalist Cassandra Fairbanks interviewed three former intelligence officers with knowledge of the corrupt – criminal activity of the Obama CIA.
The former officers told The Gateway Pundit:
  • The U.K.’s Joint Intelligence Committee was the venue used by the CIA and the DNI to share and receive “intelligence” allegedly linking Trump to Russia.
  • The sources believe that John Brennan and James Clapper used highly classified intelligence channels to create a trail of fake evidence linking Trump to Russia.
  • George Papadopoulos was targeted deliberately by U.K. intel operatives in a plot to trick him.
  • It was Joseph Mifsud, not Papadopoulos, who raised the prospect of meeting with the Russians and introduced the claim that Russia had damaging information about Hillary Clinton.
  • Joeseph Mifsud was a British operative, not a Russian asset.
  • The only entity that could have coordinated the entire operation was the Obama White House.
     Multiple former intelligence officers believe there is indisputable evidence that British Intelligence organizations—GCHQ and MI6 in particular—collaborated with the U.S. intelligence community to portray Donald Trump and his associates as pawns of the Russians.
    According to one of the former intelligence officers who spoke to The Gateway Pundit, “this was a coup attempt without firearms; relying instead on manufactured intelligence designed to feed the meme that Trump surrogates were in contact with the Russians.”
    The former intelligence officers agreed that the U.K.’s Joint Intelligence Committee was the venue used by the CIA and the DNI to share and receive “intelligence” allegedly linking Trump to Russia.
    The Gateway Pundit spoke to the two former intelligence officers on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter. We additionally spoke to Bill Binney, a former high level National Security Agency official-turned-whistleblower, who confirmed that he agrees with their conclusions.
    The former intelligence officers believe that John Brennan and James Clapper used highly classified intelligence channels to create a trail of fake evidence linking Trump to Russia. Based on their years of experience in the intelligence community, including overseas operations, it appears highly likely that Joseph Mifsud was a MI6 asset and that his role within the British spy service was deliberately obscured to give the appearance of him working for Russia.
    Multiple sources report that British intel agencies were involved actively in collecting information on Trump associates and their contacts with persons linked to Russia.
    According to the Guardian:
    “Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in alerting their counterparts in Washington to contacts between members of Donald Trump’s campaign team and Russian intelligence operatives. . .GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious ‘interactions’ between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.”
    The New York Times also confirmed, citing three former senior U.S. officials, that the United Kingdom was collecting intelligence on meetings in European cities between Russian officials — and others close to Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin — and associates of President-elect Trump. In addition, those same three officials confirmed that, “American intelligence agencies had intercepted communications of Russian officials, some of them within the Kremlin, discussing contacts with Trump associates.”
    The former U.S. intelligence officers, who are familiar with the operations and activities of the JIC, noted that such exchanges of information are anything but “routine.” The CIA’s Chief of Station regularly meets with the JIC and serves as a conduit for communication between the CIA Director and the UK.  Generally, information derived from intercepted conversations or emails would be passed as SIGINT and normally would be classified as Top Secret compartmented intelligence.
    The CIA’s London Chief of Station (COS) or their senior intelligence analyst posted to the London embassy would attend weekly JIC meetings, according to one of the sources. At time, the COS was Gina Haspel, who is now the director of the CIA.
    These intel community insiders believe that the case of George Papadopoulos, a minor official named to the Trump foreign policy team on March 21, 2016, merits additional scrutiny because it shows evidence that Papadopoulos was targeted deliberately by U.K. intel operatives in a plot to trick him into communicating information about possible approaches to Russia via conversations with persons in the United States.
    In the Statement of Offense filed against Papadopoulos by the U.S. Department of Justice, he is accused of lying about his contact with Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese diplomat who was a member of the European Council on Foreign Relations and the Clinton Foundation. It was Mifsud, not Papadopoulos, who raised the prospect of meeting with the Russians and introduced the claim that Russian had damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Papadopoulos in turn relayed this information via emails and phone calls back to members of the Trump campaign.
    Although the FBI claims that Papadopoulos’ emails were recovered via a lawfully obtained search warrant, there is no doubt that the information was already in the hands of the U.K. and the U.S. intelligence community. The documents leaked by Edward Snowden in 2013 show definitively that such conversations were intercepted and retained by both the GCHQ and the NSA. Obtaining material for prosecution from intelligence sources that will be allowed into a court proceeding is known as parallel construction.
    What Ray McGovern and I were thinking is that the whole conspiracy about the Russian narrative was concocted by Brennan and then most likely approved by Obama. This is what I told Pompeo when I was in with him. It requires the NSA, CIA, FBI, DNI, DNC and the DOJ to be coordinating — especially for things like the Steele dossier. The only one place they all come together and can be ordered to coordinate and cooperate is the president — which was Obama. The DOJ doesn’t fall under the DNI or anybody else — only the president,” Binney told The Gateway Pundit.
    All of these raises very serious questions that require answers.
    • Who made the initial decision to collect information on Trump Associates?
    • How
      many classified SIGINT reports were
      sent to the U.S. intel community?
    • When did John Brennan and James Clapper share this information with President Obama?
    Lest We the People should be cursed with the likes of Barack Hussein in the future, it is important to understand how we got to a place that such a foul, America-hating slimeball could find himself in the Oval Office, and it is even more important that we never allow it to happen again.
    In a word, or rather, a name: Bill Clinton.
    Slick Willie did not serve America. He “serviced” America. And, he got away with it, never having to account for the corruption of which he and his wife are apparently guilty. Condoning rather than punishing his misdeeds convinced the Democrat Party that they can be as corrupt as they want and they don’t even have to hide it as they will never be called to account.
    Both Presidents Bush were never really leaders. They never had agendas. They both simply wanted to wear the hat. Bush the Younger never pursued prosecution or even investigation of the Clintons, a historic mistake!
    Add to this an out-of-touch, leftist mainstream media and you have a recipe for national disaster.
    Enter, Barack Hussein.

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