Tuesday, June 12, 2018

IN PLAIN SIGHT: An Islamic army caught hiding in the US exposed on national TV

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IN PLAIN SIGHT: An Islamic army caught hiding in the US exposed on national TV
“A disturbing clip has just surfaced of Fox News host Sean Hannity exposing the fact that deadly terrorist training camps have been popping up all over the U.S.
“The group is responsible for over 50 attacks on U.S. soil and has over 35 compounds right here in our very own nation,” Hannity said on his Fox News show. “It’s a frightening thought: Islamic terrorist training camps right here in America in our backyards. The group Muslims of America, or Jamaat ul-Fuqra, as they’re called in Pakistan, have established over 35 communities across the U.S. The group claims to be peaceful, but a videotape uncovered by the Christian Action Network shows that they can have a much more sinister side.”
“The video, called “The Soldiers of Allah,” features Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani, the mastermind and the leader of the group here in the U.S.,” Hannity added.

“There’s 35 compounds, villages, communities that Sheikh Gilani has inside the United States. They range anywhere from the East coast of New York to South Carolina to the West Coast, Seattle, Washington, and from New York down to Texas,” explained Martin Mawyer of Christian Action.
“Then why would the United States government allow these facilities to stay open?” Hannity questioned.
“Well, we spent two and a half years investigating this group, and during that time we interviewed law enforcement about why these groups, why these facilities were allowed to exist in the United States,” Mawyer responded. “We got a host of reasons, but the No. 1 reason is they are protected by the U.S. Constitution, and they are protected by state constitutions in the United States. Really, law enforcement’s hands are tried in trying to shut these groups down.”
“You’re saying without a doubt you can look in these cameras tonight and tell the American people that there are terrorist training camps on our soil, we’re not doing anything about it, and they’re planning, and they will hit America?” Hannity later asked.

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