
, Americans patriot constitutionalist

Greetings to my American brothers and sisters and warriors for liberty, what we the American people need to do in America is to reestablish liberty and justice for all states, and that is all states must start to integrate the voting process of the electoral college within our states, these large cities and counties with large population are disenfranchising the smaller cities and counties throughout the country thus removing the voices of the people of the smaller communities and cities throughout America, and are being Disfranchised this must be rectified and corrected immediately and without hesitation, if not we will not be able to recover from this mob rule that has infiltrated our nation.
To Have a more perfect union we must have justice, when justice is denied, liberty is denied, and without liberty, there cannot be justice, and without justice, there can be no righteousness, our nation will fall by the wayside if we do not restore the honor that created this nation in the beginning, without honor without justice there is no foundation and without a strong foundation nothing will last.
The reason that this nation has lasted 240+ years is that the Constitution is the foundation of this nation and was created in Christianity, if we should stray from our Christian roots, we will have strayed from justice and from righteousness our nation will have committed political suicide, you cannot have or maintain liberty without justice, you cannot have justice without righteousness.
If our judiciary has been compromised, and has become treasonous and is warring against justice, and it is also warring against liberty, it is warring against the very foundation of this nation. We need to reconvene the citizens' grand juries and bring them into the legislative, judiciary, and executive branches of government and reestablish the balance and scales of justice. We the people must correct the injustices and the injuries to our people and to liberty and take the law back into our own hands, those who have been entrusted with the treasures of liberty and with the security of every American have premeditatedly and deliberately violated their oath of office to internally destroy the foundations of our nation, which is liberty and justice for all, and must be dealt with accordingly!
When the smoke clears the only people who will be responsible and will have paid the price for the aftermath are We The People The Citizens. If we are not willing to fight for our nation or fight for our way of life or fight for our culture and our liberty and justice, Do you really expect to live in a nation that will provide liberty and justice for you and your prosperity? We already are seeing that most of the individuals who have been entrusted with the authority to protect our liberties and freedoms have sold out to our enemies. Those who have been entrusted with our security have sold out to our enemies, and those who have been entrusted with our national treasures and have sold out to our enemies, there is only one group of people who can fix the problem in our nation and that is the salt of this nation which is The People Of This Nation, get off of your knees and stand up to these tyrants who are performing legislative larceny and piracy of not only your nation but your lives. Are you so afraid to die that you have forgotten how to live?
We only have a life because God has granted to us let's be worthy of that life to God has given us.
When justice is denied liberty is denied!
By Bill Sharpe Sussex County Delaware 2/7/2023
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Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance |

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)

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