

Monday, April 29, 2019

Instagram CAUGHT Being Politically Biased

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Instagram bans Conservatives who post facts and memes, but they allow Ilhan Omar’s 6-year-old daughter to have an account. According to the Instagram terms of service, you must be at least 13 years old to have an Instagram.
Instagram has censored Donald Trump Jr all while claiming they aren't biased. Rules for thee but not for me? That’s the Democrat way!

Glorious sucking sound is the swamp

Image result for Glorious sucking sound is the swamp
Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets of April 29th and explain why Sally Yates is a traitor. Enjoy a great meme show while you listen. Then have fun with a swamp surprise at the end.

The First Woman President Will Be...

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The First Woman President Will Be. . .
 by Guest Writer

Attorney Lloyd Pearcy
In 1872, forty-eight years before the nineteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution allowed women to vote, Victoria Woodhull ran for president. Between 1872 and 2016, sixteen women ran unsuccessfully for the presidency.[i]

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Silencing Conservatives on Social Media?:TWITTER


Silencing Conservatives on Social Media?

TWITTER dumping Conservatives.
 Twitter, Google, Facebook and others are suppressing conservative viewpoints.

It’s time for the American people to declare our own national emergency and remove destructive Dems from power

It’s time for the American people to declare our own national emergency and remove destructive Dems from power
 It is widely reported today that President Trump is declaring a national emergency over the continued migrant invasion of the United States of America that’s taking place via a largely unprotected southern border.
In response, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) warned that a future Democrat president could declare a national emergency to target gun owners, all while insinuating that there is no crisis whatsoever on the U.S. Southern border:
If the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people… You want to talk about a national emergency? Let’s talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Rod Rosenstein Looks Guilty As Sin During Barr Press Conference

Attorney General Bill Barr NEEDS TO GET RID OF THE TRADER Rod Rosenstein

Rod Rosenstein Looks Guilty As Sin During Barr Press Conference

Today, the eyes of the media were fixed on Attorney General Bill Barr as he gave his long-awaited press conference ahead of his release of the redacted report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
To his side, however, was an incredibly guilty-looking Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
For some context into exactly why the Deputy Attorney General would look so incredibly nervous and guilty during this pivotal press conference which finally puts to bed the phony Trump-Russia collusion narrative, however, let’s revisit the role Rosenstein played in the treasonous set-up of the President.

300 Illegals Stopped By Armed Militia- “United Constitutional Patriots”

 Border Crisis Caught on Video: 300 Illegals Stopped By Armed Militia
Border Crisis Caught On Video: 300 Illegals Stopped By Armed Militia
“United Constitutional Patriots” detained the group after watching them cross through a fence gap

(Infowars) – Hundreds of immigrants illegally crossing into the United States were stopped by a small militia called “United Constitutional Patriots” (UCP) Tuesday night near Sundland Park, New Mexico.

The militia, mostly comprised of veterans and former police officers, turned the large group over to Border Patrol as they are not allowed to capture anyone they encounter crossing.

Muslim Pakistani immigrant RUNNING UNOPPOSED for FL HOUSE.

My question is who is financing this guy?  

Uncovered New Info!

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Imtiaz Mohammad the Muslim immigrant from Pakistan who became a U.S. citizen 4yrs ago & is running unopposed for FL House of Representative for 2020 election feels: “America [is] run on hate” and "American people are the most uneducated nation in the world."

State Of The Democrat Party, Part 2 OF 2

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State Of The Democrat Party, Part 2
 by Roger Anghis

This attitude of ignoring our Constitution has been in the Democrat party for a long time. Even in FDR’s days, he was willing to “stack” the US Supreme Court to get his New Deal through the Courts which I discussed in my last column.[1] The Carter administration established a full-blown government Department of Education even though there is no provision in the Constitution for this. Carter and FDR were both Democrats and then came Democrat LBJ and pushed the government further out of its constitutional jurisdiction by initiating Medicare: Medicare was created in 1965 when people over 65 found it virtually impossible to get private health insurance coverage. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Socialism: STINKS...

Socialism: A Track Record of Failure
 Is it the centrally planned economies of Cuba and North Korea? Or the kleptocracies of Zimbabwe and Venezuela?
How about the interventionist welfare states of GreeceItaly, and France? Or the redistribution-oriented Nordic nations?

Mia Marie Pope - Truth About Barack Obama!

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Woman Claims To Have Known Obama In High School, And What She Says About Him Is Shocking
Mia Marie Pope says she knew former President Barack Obama way back when they were both in high school in Honolulu, Hawaii in the 1970s, and the stuff she says about him is pretty shocking.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

VERITAS PROJECT:Can your bank ban you for your political views?

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Dear Patriot, 

Can your bank ban you for your political views?

It sounds like something from a George Orwell novel or an authoritarian regime.  But in America, can someone restrict the flow of money of their political enemies?
In our The Twitter investigation, Veritas has shown you “Deplatforming.” It's the way big tech removes political commentators from their platforms to thwart political speech.  
In our the latest investigation, Project Veritas journalists uncover “Debanking.” 

The DNC Trojan Horse, Facebook (And Google And Twitter)

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The DNC Trojan Horse, Facebook (And Google And Twitter)
“According to socialist Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, Facebook and other tech giants such as Google, Twitter, and Amazon should be broken up. In an ironic twist, Facebook immediately validated the senator’s concerns by taking down her Facebook page soon after she called for Facebook’s dismantling.”

“Although it pains me to say this, Warren is right. In fact, in all likelihood, that’s one area where many conservatives would agree with the socialist-leaning Massachusetts senator. After all, it’s an established fact that Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, along with Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and many other social media platforms actively and regularly censor conservatives. It’s not even up for debate at this point. Facebook has admitted its bias.”

AG Barr Drops Nuclear Bomb On Hillary After She Says ‘MAGA’ Is White Power Slogan

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AG Barr Drops Nuclear Bomb On Hillary After She Says ‘MAGA’ Is White Power Slogan

Hillary Clinton never saw the nuclear bomb coming that Attorney General Bill Barr just dropped on her head. Last night, she was laughing at President Donald Trump and his supporters, saying “Make America Great Again” was a “white nationalist slogan.” Today, she must be freaking out while calling her team of high-powered attorneys. You don’t want to miss this. Failed candidate Hillary Clinton was peddling fake news once again. Of course, she is taking aim at President Trump and his supporters. The former Secretary of State had no way of knowing that just 24 hours later she would be put on notice by the Attorney General of the United States.

Friday, April 12, 2019


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Rod Serling Tackles the Democrat Shit Storm Zone

In today's remote corner of the Twilight Zone, I present the Democrat shit storm. Bring a raincoat, folks.

THE WALL IS COMING.... Pentagon notified Congress in March... $1 billion will go toward building 57 miles of border wall.

Pentagon Awards $1 Billion to Build Trump Border Wall — $789,000,000 to Galveston Company

The Pentagon notified Congress in March it authorized the transfer of $1 billion to begin new border wall construction.
CNN obtained a Pentagon budget notification that was sent to Capitol Hill that showed up to $1 billion will go toward building 57 miles of border wall.

Trump slams Robert Mueller’s ‘illegal investigation’ - GET READY PEOPLE THE SH*TS HITING THE FAN !

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Trump slams Robert Mueller’s ‘illegal investigation’
 Now that President Donald Trump thinks the attorney general is on the same page as him, he’s firing both barrels at the Mueller investigation.
Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, the president slammed Robert Mueller’s “illegal investigation,” and didn’t hold back from naming the perpetrators outright.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Kamala Harris Missed A Vote On Disaster Relief For Her Own State. The Reason Why Is Laughable.

Kamala Harris Missed A Vote On Disaster Relief For Her Own State. The Reason Why Is Laughable.

 Sen. Kamala Harris, who is currently vying for the Democratic party nomination for president in 2020, missed a key vote to provide disaster relief for her own home state this week.
You know why?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sends shockwaves through the Democratic Party:

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Image result for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sends shockwaves through the Democratic Party: Will it learn the lesson?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sends shockwaves through the Democratic Party: Will it learn the lesson?
 A 28-year-old Latina socialist brings down a leading House Democrat. Does the party even perceive the problem?

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Trump Is Right About Border Crisis...

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Trump Is Right About Border Crisis

Mark Morgan: Dems ignoring 'overwhelming' facts.

A former Border Patrol chief who served during the Obama administration says President Trump is absolutely correct that there's a crisis at the southern border.
Mark Morgan, a former FBI official, served as head of the Border Patrol for the last six months of Obama's presidency. He left the post when Trump took office.
On "Fox & Friends" Thursday, Morgan said Democrats are ignoring "overwhelming" evidence that the U.S. immigration system is broken and something must be done to enhance border security.

Saturday, April 6, 2019


Lara Logan Sounds Off Again About Liberal Bias in the Media

Lara Logan Sounds Off Again About Liberal Bias in the Media

Lara Logan who worked for CBS News, and was a featured contributor for 60 Minutes, was known for covering war-torn spots in the Middle East for the network. However, she parted ways with CBS several months ago and has since been on a crusade to expose the “left-wing bias” in mainstream media.
A few months ago, during a guest appearance on an episode of retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland’s “Mike Drop” podcast, she said, “The media everywhere is mostly liberal. But in this country, 85 percent of journalists are registered, Democrats.”


On the Fringe of the inner mind to the outer limits 

What would you think if some morning the news of the day is: “Space aliens are real and here they are!”? There are a variety of ways we have been prepared for this revealing. How many watch “Ancient Aliens” each week? How many scientific shows and movies indicate the importance of finding life from another part of the universe? How many people have witnessed UFOs in our skies, while many even report being the victim of alien abduction?


Ring Leader Of Lies Revealed In Trump-Russian Bank Connection – What Did Hillary Know?
It has been discovered, through a review of the data in connection to the fake Steele dossier about a Trump-Russia Bank conspiracy, that the source used is probably the same source used by the FBI to acquire a FISA warrant needed to investigate the Trump-Alfa Bank connection. It comes as no shock that this person is a fanatical Hillary Clinton follower.


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America’s Usurper, Obama has been supporting his Muslim brothers and violating The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. On the USCIS web site. In Section 212 Chapter 2, it Prohibits entry into America Aliens belonging to an organization seeking the unlawful overthrow of the federal government of the United States by force, violence and other unconstitutional means.
Islamic immigration would be illegal under this law. Why? The Koran, Sharia Law, and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam. To which are against our values and violate the Constitution as it requires them to kill the infidel, which happens to be citizens of the United States.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Forbearances At Center of Debate on Save the Internet Act

Forbearances At Center of Debate on Save the Internet Act

Any hopes for a calm, bipartisan discussion on net neutrality regulations at House Commerce’s full committee markup Wednesday were quickly dashed as Rep Mike Doyle (D-PA) and ranking member Greg Walden (R-OR) duked it out over the Save the Internet Act (AKA “Title II 2.0”).
At the heart of the battle were the forbearance provisions that would be codified under the Save the Internet Act. The forbearances would permanently restrict the FCC from placing more than 700 regulations, most of which relate to Title II, on ISPs. And while Dems believe that should be enough to get Republicans on board, the minority continued to call for more information on exactly what those forbearances are.


Democrats Should Be Declared ‘Enemies of the State’?

Former Vice Presidential Candidate: The Democrats’ Plan Is Pure Evil