

Friday, April 5, 2019

A PAGE FROM THE DIARY OF BILL SHARPE:04/05/2019 HERE'S MY THOUGHT FOR TODAY,Letter Of protest against unjust legislation.

The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

Good morning to my fellow constitutional loving 

Good morning my friends 
Americans patriot constitutionalist 
 Here's my thought for today 

Image result for American patriots.

Hello, my Christian constitutional American patriots.
Good morning friends and fellow Americans and patriots,
Greetings to my Christian friends' Patriots 3% ers, and tea party freedom fighters.

Letter Of protest against unjust legislation.

To the honorary representatives of the General assembly.

This is an official letter of protest, and an open letter to one and all Members of the legislative body, And everybody who believes in constitutional liberties and freedoms.

I (  your name  ) am contacting you today because of the legislation that is being designed and engineered to violate and trespass on the un-a-lien-able rights of every American citizen, by strategically designed legislation to erode away like cancer of our basic fundamentals And the foundation of our nation.

I Do not have any political aspirations, And I am contacting you because You have forced me to participate in the legislative process to stop you from eroding away Any more of my liberties and freedoms, your actions have created and motivated me to contact you and to inform you of your participation in the violation of my liberties and freedoms is a crime called treason!. I am Contacting you because of your Actions of Trespass On our un-a-lien-able rights, And the need for them to be challenged and Stopped, Along with all the tyranny within our government.

I see the need to stand up as a man of God And Perform my duty of country and intervene in this tremendous evil that I see taking over our country today. 

I am not Writing Just for me but for Every patriot and veteran and every brave man and woman who stood up before me and put everything on the line for what we believe in, I am Writing you to protect the future generations of Americans to Defend and protect them as our founding fathers and veterans did Before us To protect our country And our people Our culture, heritage, And legacy of a free people!

The same spirit of freedom that lived in them Lives in me and is forcing me to stand up against the same fascists and demonic Ideology and evil as my founding fathers and patriots did before me.
The same Evil that they face is back again but this time here in America, right here in our legislative body are those who wish to destroy and extinguish the flame of freedom right here in our own country!

The same tactics used by Hitler and Stalin under the rouge of safety and security to rob the liberties and freedoms has sunk its roots deep into our country, and right here in this capital building among us are those who seek to destroy The greatest nation That was ever conceived and designed by free men.

Some of you would say it is not right to suggest that the honorable members of this body would ever do such a thing. But this is exactly what happened in Germany in the 1930s, and probably someone just like me stood up to raise their voice and spoke out against these Deceptions by alleged men of honor and character, or maybe there were not enough good people speaking up and pointing the finger, maybe there was not enough done and said to stop what took place in Germany.

I come here today to tell you I am willing to fight and die right here right now today to stop this Tyranny from gaining one more INCH! And to stop the trespass And infringements on our Un-a-lien-able rights, Un-a-lien-able rights are not subject to negotiation!!! Are you willing to die to take my liberties and freedoms Away? Are you willing to sacrifice the peace of the nation on unjust And unlawful legislation?

I Am writing to you to question your jurisdiction and authority to assault my liberties and freedoms, Under What Jurisdiction do you believe you have the right to infringe on Our, Un-a-lien-able rights? and Who are you to put a claim on our inheritance? something that was given to me by those who sacrificed everything for me! without me standing up And challenging these actions, And to speak out Against this Injustice or Any Such legislation, That threatens our liberties and freedoms! As an American, I must be willing to do the same As our founding fathers did To defend and save this nation, From any threats foreign or domestic.

The government did not give me Any of my rights, and the government Has not the right or authority to take them away, No injustice will ever be law, and no injustice will ever go Unchallenged by good men! Who is willing to stand up And speak out, and that's why I Am writing to you today in opposition of All legislation that is an injustice.

Unjust and unconstitutional legislation is an attempted theft, it's a theft of trust by the Legislative body, it's an attempted theft of our state and our country, and it is the definition of treason and tyranny by unlawful Strategically designed legislation, For the sole purpose to overthrow our constitutional nation, piece by piece step-by-step, and a Prelude to More Destructive legislation to our liberties and freedoms.
And it will not go unchallenged By the Brave and good people of this nation.

All legislation that is directed in defeating our natural rights of self-defense is treasonous and will be stopped, all legislation that infringes on the voter integrity process will also be stopped.

This is not about who is right or who is wrong, this is about what is right and what is wrong.

Malitiis hominum est obviandum
The malicious designs of men must be thwarted.
Black's law encyclopedia 9th addition.

The word refers to a natural right that cannot be revoked by an outside force. ... In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson (using the un- variant) wrote that all men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" including "LifeLiberty, Self-defense and the pursuit of happiness.”
Personal rights held by an individual which are not bestowed by law, custom, or belief, and which cannot be taken or given away, or transferred to another person, are referred to as “inalienable rights.” The U.S. Constitution recognized that certain universal rights cannot be taken away by legislation, as they are beyond the control of a government, being naturally given to every individual at birth, and that these rights are retained throughout life. To explore this concept, consider the following inalienable rights definition.

inalienable - Dictionary Definition : 

Wicked men know not justice, but a just man will understand all things.

Respectfully, (Your name And date )

( If you have the legislative bill number that you are disputing add that also, like SB 63)

By-Bill Sharpe

Find Your Representative

sample letter below:

The Honorable (full name)
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Representative (last name):

The legislation addressing (describe issue concisely, or use the exact name of the bill before legislature) is of paramount interest to me because I am a (Certified Academic Language Therapist, parent, teacher, etc.) This issue directly impacts (my students, my profession, the way we as professionals will be able to function effectively, my child, etc.)

I am primarily concerned about (describe major specific concern within the larger issue) because (state reasons or examples briefly, with only as many relevant details as necessary to make your point clearly.) Other aspects of this same issue that affect (my student, profession, child) are (describe briefly any secondary concerns and supporting situations, reasons, examples, etc.)

Although I have read reports of your position in the newspapers, I realize this may not fully represent your viewpoint. Therefore, I will look forward to your reply expressing your opinions, and your current stance on the issue.

Thank you for your consideration of my viewpoint on this matter. I believe it is an important issue and would like to see the legislation (pass, fail, or be amended) to ensure effective educational services for the students involved.


Your name,
Phone Number

Email Address



 I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.


God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was recorded by Kate Smith, Note: I would Like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this Song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends!


One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)



and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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