

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Democrats Should Be Declared ‘Enemies of the State’?

Former Vice Presidential Candidate: The Democrats’ Plan Is Pure Evil

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How do you define evil?
Eric Holder, Obama’s former Attorney General, just days ago asked Trump voters (like me), “Exactly when did you think America was great?”
My definition of “great” is economic freedom. Allowing citizens to earn more money, enjoy a high quality of life, protect their families, without massive government interference, or confiscation of their hard-earned money. That’s what makes us the greatest nation in world history. Economic freedom.
We’ve tried it Holder’s way, without economic freedom. Obama tried to tax and regulate us to death. It didn’t work. The GDP (economic growth) for President Obama’s entire eight years was equal to the Great Depression decade of the 1930s. Worse, Obama was the only president in history to never achieve even one year of GDP over 3%. Worse yet, welfare, food stamps, and disability were all at the highest levels in history. Worst of all, Obama covered up all this economic misery with insane spending- he increased the national debt more than all the presidents in history COMBINED.
Compare all of that to President Trump’s economic record. For the second year in a row, Trump broke the record for the greatest increase in GDP in history! In Trump’s first year 2017, GDP increased by the all-time record of $853 billion. Then in Trump’s second year 2018, our GDP went up by $1 trillion- the first time that’s ever happened in world history.
Add in the lowest black unemployment and Latino unemployment in history. Female and youth unemployment are the lowest in over half a century. Manufacturing jobs are booming.
That could be why on Friday, Trump’s approval rating hit 49% at Rasmussen. That’s six points higher than Obama’s approval rating at the same time of his presidency. Yes, Trump crushed Obama- even while 92% of the mainstream media coverage was negative.
How is this even possible? It’s the economy, stupid. What people care about is green. Not green energy. Green in their pockets. Yes, THAT is what makes America great, Eric Holder. Mobility, opportunity, and prosperity. Trump produced it, Obama didn’t.
The left wants to fundamentally change us. They want to tear us down. Make us “equal and fair” by bankrupting the middle class, taking away our jobs, assets, cars, planes, homes, even our steaks and cheeseburgers. Yes, they want to kill the cows! See “The Green New Deal,” if you don’t believe me.
But it’s not working. The American people aren’t buying it.
So, the left is turning to “Cloward-Piven,” the radical Socialist plan I was taught at Columbia University: Overwhelm the system to create massive crisis and collapse and foment a revolution.
But how do you overwhelm the system? The Democrat’s tool is clear: Open Borders. If your brainwashing is failing, if you can’t convince enough Americans to pick Obama’s miserable economy over Trump’s booming economy, then change the makeup of the electorate. Make America Foreign Again.
Leave the borders open and overwhelm the system with millions of foreigners and illegal aliens who are dependent on welfare and big government; who are comfortable with Socialism; who want “free everything” from cradle to grave.
Then, make it your number one priority to prevent Voter ID. Because you need all of those foreigners and illegals to vote for Democrat candidates. Soon, you are out-voting the American-born citizens. And then you turn America into Venezuela. But who cares? You’re in control.
That’s the Democrat plan folks. Cloward Piven and Open Borders. And yes, it is pure evil.
So, President Trump here’s my advice. The whole ballgame is the border. Build the wall. Secure the border. Stop chain migration. End birthright citizenship. To get Mexico’s cooperation, close the border and bring their economy to a standstill. Do that and we win. We save America, capitalism and the GOP.
Fail and it’s the end of America.

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One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)


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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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