

Saturday, April 20, 2019

300 Illegals Stopped By Armed Militia- “United Constitutional Patriots”

 Border Crisis Caught on Video: 300 Illegals Stopped By Armed Militia
Border Crisis Caught On Video: 300 Illegals Stopped By Armed Militia
“United Constitutional Patriots” detained the group after watching them cross through a fence gap

(Infowars) – Hundreds of immigrants illegally crossing into the United States were stopped by a small militia called “United Constitutional Patriots” (UCP) Tuesday night near Sundland Park, New Mexico.

The militia, mostly comprised of veterans and former police officers, turned the large group over to Border Patrol as they are not allowed to capture anyone they encounter crossing.

A member of UCP who live-streamed the encounter can be heard saying, “Lots of coughing. Lots of men with little children. We need the wall folks, please share this. Lots and lots of coughing folks. This is what’s coming across our border. How bad does it get before we actually build the wall?”

Another militia member, Jim Benvie, also streamed on Facebook as they waited for Border Patrol to arrive and apprehend the illegal immigrants.

“I literally walked out and I looked, and all I saw was hundreds of people coming at us,” Benvie said.

“We’re just Americans,” Benvie told Daily Mail. “We’re veterans, we’re ex-law enforcement, we’re people that care about our national security. We’re people that care about our strained Border Patrol.”
While Border Patrol allegedly said it does not condone UCP’s actions, group leader John Horton told Newsweek, “We have a good work rapport with them. Our goal was to be here until we’re not needed. And when we’re not needed is when that wall is up.”
This is merely the latest example of the escalating crisis at the southern border, as just today President Trump asked Democrats in Congress to “return from their vacations and change the immigration laws,” and Yuma, Arizona declared a state of emergency over the surge of illegal immigrants.
“Big sections of Wall now being built!” Trump tweeted.

Democrats in Congress must return from their Vacations and change the Immigration Laws, or the Border, despite the great job being done by Border Patrol, will only get worse. Big sections of Wall now being built!

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  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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