

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Rod Rosenstein Looks Guilty As Sin During Barr Press Conference

Attorney General Bill Barr NEEDS TO GET RID OF THE TRADER Rod Rosenstein

Rod Rosenstein Looks Guilty As Sin During Barr Press Conference

Today, the eyes of the media were fixed on Attorney General Bill Barr as he gave his long-awaited press conference ahead of his release of the redacted report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
To his side, however, was an incredibly guilty-looking Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
For some context into exactly why the Deputy Attorney General would look so incredibly nervous and guilty during this pivotal press conference which finally puts to bed the phony Trump-Russia collusion narrative, however, let’s revisit the role Rosenstein played in the treasonous set-up of the President.

Rosenstein has been scrambling to cover up the role he played in the attempted coup for years now, and particularly in the last few months as the issue as to how the Mueller investigation began in the first place if there was so little basis for it are coming under more scrutiny by the minute.
Recall, in May of 2017, Rosenstein made comments, which have been confirmed by multiple sources, that he would be willing to secretly record conversations with the President to build a case of the 25th Amendment so he could be removed from office.
The 25th Amendment, of course, is not meant to be used by the intelligence community but rather members of his own cabinet, and only in the case of serious mental or physical impairment. Being a particularly unpopular president among the Washington deep state is not, as you may imagine, a serious mental or physical impairment.
Here’s the kicker: regardless of what the media has told us, Rosenstein doesn’t even deny having said he’d be willing to wear a wire to secretly record the president, which in itself would be a highly resinous act.
Since the New York Times story first broke in 2018, two senior FBI officials have even come out to confirm that he made those comments.
Fox News reported last year that “Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker told congressional investigators during a closed-door deposition last week that then-FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe and FBI lawyer Lisa Page came to Baker ‘contemporaneously’ after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017. Baker said Page and McCabe related details of the meeting where Rosenstein made the comments.”
While Baker wasn’t present at the meeting where Rosenstein spoke, Baker told congressional investigators he believed McCabe and Page and took their account of this conversation “seriously,” Fox reported.
Fox also stated that Baker had suspected Rosenstein was working with other administration insiders to “invoke the 25th Amendment.”
Although Rosenstein has denied making these comments in earnest, Baker, McCabe, and Page all stand by their impression that Rosenstein was as serious as a heart attack about wearing a wire.
President Obama recently spoke of a circular firing squad, and this collection of FBI officials might very well be that as all these figures are top figures in the scheme to unseat a duly elected official of the United States so matter who is telling the truth and who is lying, someone is covering their treasonous tracks.
Let’s also not forget that Rosenstein signed an extension on the FISA warrant which crooked cops at the FBI used to spy on the Trump campaign, possibly at the behest of President Obama himself.
The Hill reported earlier this year:
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein approved an application last year to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page, according to a secret Republican memo detailed in a The New York Times report.
According to the Times, which cited three people familiar with the memo, the FBI and Justice Department’s application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled a dossier containing unverified claims about President Trump’s ties to Russia.
And of course, it was Rosenstein who appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the first place. Did we mention that?
So bear all this in mind when you see how Rosenstein tried (and failed) to keep his composure while Barr told America that the Deep State coup of which he was a part was a big, fat, nothing burger.
A failed attempted coup that leaves in its wake some very nervous traitors, like Rosenstein.

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