

Thursday, April 4, 2019


Ring Leader Of Lies Revealed In Trump-Russian Bank Connection – What Did Hillary Know?
It has been discovered, through a review of the data in connection to the fake Steele dossier about a Trump-Russia Bank conspiracy, that the source used is probably the same source used by the FBI to acquire a FISA warrant needed to investigate the Trump-Alfa Bank connection. It comes as no shock that this person is a fanatical Hillary Clinton follower.

The President’s ordeal started back in June 2016 when reports came out that the Democratic National Committee had been hacked which prompted a group of leading computer scientists to get involved. This group started prying into the Trump Tower computers under the guise of investigation to allegedly discover whether those servers had been hacked also. Jean Camp was the leader of this group of computer scientists.

Above: Jean Camp
Who is Jean Camp? An Indiana University professor, respected computer scientist, an ardent Clinton supporter. According to Circa, Camp is a staunch supporter of Clinton,

A respected computer scientist who raised concerns about a possible connection between President Trump and a Russian bank is an unabashed Hillary Clinton supporter who made multiple small donations to the Democrat’s presidential campaign around the time she and her colleagues surfaced the allegations.”
Some techies discovered that the Trump Tower servers began to be overrun with the exact same invalid look-up request that contains the words “trump” and “alfa” together. These were automatically placed in the servers’ log file by the server. The New York Times reported that the computer logs showed that two servers at Alfa Bank sent over 2,700 “look-up” messages to the Trump servers.
Interestingly, around that very time, the FBI received a complaint from “cyber experts” pointing them to a potential Trump-Alfa Bank connection. This then prompted the FBI to investigate the alleged connection. According to the New York Times,
“In classified sessions in August and September of 2016, intelligence officials also briefed congressional leaders on the possibility of financial ties between Russians and people connected to Mr. Trump. They focused particular attention on what cyber experts said appeared to be a mysterious computer back channel between the Trump Organization and the Alfa Bank, which is one of Russia’s biggest banks and whose owners have longstanding ties to Mr. Putin.”
Around the time the FBI started into its investigation, Christopher Steele began pushing the conspiracy that Trump was involved with the Alfa Bank. In mid-September Steele volunteered his memos to the FBI and the press, which included one that suggested the Trump-Alfa connection.
What seems like something right out of a Hollywood script, it is now known that Fusion GPS was pushing the false story to the progressive Slate Magazine and that Hillary Clinton was also promoting the conspiracy with the knowledge that it was her own team behind the false accusations!

Fusion GPS was behind this now discredited Slate story about a “special email server existing between Trump Tower and Moscow’s Alfa bank.” Here’s Hillary Clinton tweeting out the story the day it appeared..

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Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.

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The Steele dossier was the sole reason the FBI was able to obtain the FISA warrant, which proves that they received a copy of the memos from Steele. Previously the FBI was denied by the FISA court as they did not have sufficient if any, evidence. McCabe said himself the FISA warrants would not have been granted had it not been for the Steele dossier. The FBI literally had no other pieces of evidence to indicate a Trump-Alfa bank connection and throughout the duration of this ordeal, they never garnered additional evidence. The leftist New York Times even reported:
“Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.”
A forensic investigation put on by Alfa Bank into Alfa Bank’s computer showed the only communication regarding Trump that occurred were those logged requests coming from outside its servers. The New York Times reported truthfully that the hacking appeared to be an attempt to prevent Trump from getting elected rather than helping him. There is only one reason the FBI was not able to find any evidence of this Trump-Russia connection and that is because the claims were based only on “DNS logs.” The “DNS logs” are nothing more than one server looking up how to contact another across the internet. Absolutely no other communication was discovered through the forensic report on this subject.
Alfa Bank then pointed to Jean Camp and her associates as the culprits behind the false Trump-Alfa Bank accusations and even threatened to file suit against them:
“In May of this year [2017], the bank tapped Kirkland & Ellis LLP, a white-shoe American law firm, to write a letter to L. Jean Camp, an esteemed Indiana University computer scientist and researcher — and a vocal supporter of the claims made by Tea Leaves. This initial letter, first reported by CNN, claimed that the Camp investigation into the covert server chatter had “encouraged inquiries into supposed links to the Trump organization” and that her “activities continue to this day to promote an unwarranted investigation into Alfa Bank’s ‘communication’ with the Trump Organization.” The letter added that “Alfa Bank is exploring all available options to protect itself … [including] litigation and causes of action under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act,” further demanding that Camp “preserve all records” pertaining to the Tea Leaves research. Such a preservation request is often the precursor to a lawsuit. There would be more letters.”
Alfa Bank requested that Professor Camp turn over all emails in relation to the Trump-Alfa Bank connection but, expectedly, she would not comply. Although the bank maintains the position that Camp is an employee of a public entity (Indiana University), her attorneys’ are still unwilling to cooperate. Alfa, along with millions of Americans, would love to know who was involved in the sending of requests to the bank’s and Trump’s servers, and then with the reporting and spreading of the false information as fact that there was a secret connection between Trump and Alfa Bank.
Then FBI Director Comey did, in fact, confirm, in March 2017, the absence of a connection between Trump and Alfa Bank. What we can learn from all of this is that the entire thing was a calculated effort to derail Trump from getting elected. Jean Camp, out of zealous devotion to Clinton, fabricated the entire web of lies and the FBI and Christopher Steele took the bait; hook, line, and sinker.

Source: Tea Party Pac

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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