

Saturday, April 6, 2019


Lara Logan Sounds Off Again About Liberal Bias in the Media

Lara Logan Sounds Off Again About Liberal Bias in the Media

Lara Logan who worked for CBS News, and was a featured contributor for 60 Minutes, was known for covering war-torn spots in the Middle East for the network. However, she parted ways with CBS several months ago and has since been on a crusade to expose the “left-wing bias” in mainstream media.
A few months ago, during a guest appearance on an episode of retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland’s “Mike Drop” podcast, she said, “The media everywhere is mostly liberal. But in this country, 85 percent of journalists are registered, Democrats.”

“Unless you seek out Breitbart on your computer, you’re probably not even going to know what the other side is saying,” Logan told Ritland.
More recently, Logan has said that the mainstream media is not allowing President Trump to be “normalized” as the nation’s leader and she accused CNN, among others, of passing off opinions as fact in a recent Fox News interview.
“I’ve never seen the press corps behave the way they do today,” Logan told host Mark Levin on Life, Liberty & Levin. “So, it stands out to me because it’s a departure from what I’ve seen throughout the last three decades. There is something actually much more significant about what you’re seeing happen with the White House press corps.”
Logan added: “Why is [Trump] not allowed to change how the White House operates in terms of its communications and the rules of the White House press corps and how these things happen? He’s not allowed to be seen as an instrument of change. That’s a propaganda talking point of the progressive political movement. He’s not allowed to be normalized as a president. So whatever changes he makes have to be resisted by the Resistance.”
Logan Not Alone in Her Complaints About The Media
Of course, Logan is not alone in her charges against the mainstream media. President Trump himself often refers to CNN and others as “Fake News.” But Logan is one of the few journalists from the “inside” that say the left-leaning bias is real. However, she is not entirely alone in her assessment. Logan said she was “cheering” when former ABC News “Nightline” anchor Ted
Koppel told an audience earlier this month that President Trump was not mistaken that the “establishment press” was out to get him.
“I know I’m not the only journalist who’s watching in horror as opinion and pejorative language is passed off as fact,” Logan said.
The former 60 Minutes reporter also criticized CNN Tonight host Don Lemon for not admitting he is an “opinion person,” and called CNN’s chief media correspondent Brian Stelter “anti-Fox.”
“I was wondering myself this morning … Is Don Lemon an opinion person? Like, I know Sean Hannity is [on the] right, he makes no secret of it. So does Tucker Carlson. So does Laura Ingram. But what about Don Lemon? Is he an opinion person? Rachel Maddow, I know where she sits. So what about people like Don Lemon … There’s a lot of opinion in his show,” Logan told Levin. “In fact, it’s almost all opinion from beginning to end and Stelter, who is the media guy… appears to be the anti-Fox guy.”
The Anti-Right Problem Goes Deeper Than the Media
Echoing President Trump’s recent Executive Order forcing “free speech” on college campuses, Logan also told Levin that America’s academic institutions and newsrooms lacked political diversity.
“It’s no secret that the vast majority of academic institutions in this country are liberal,” Logan said. “So what bothers me is that one political ideology dominates all of your academic, almost all, of your academic institutions. And that same political ideology dominates all of your newsrooms, almost all, of your newsrooms. I mean, let’s face it, until Fox News in television. Where did you go if you weren’t a liberally minded moderate, if you, like, if you wanted to hear an alternative point of view or a conservative point of view?”

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  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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