Monday, October 8, 2018

The Left's Mob Rule Mentality

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The Left's Mob Rule Mentality

In comments after the final vote putting Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that they - presumably the Republicans - do not respond to "mob rule." Of course, he was referring to all those folks screaming and yelling in front of the Supreme Court Building, in the halls of Congress and those in the gallery attempting to disrupt the vote.

Hawaii's Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono defended the crowds as examples of legitimate "activism" that is an important part of our constitutional democracy. When asked if assaulting political figures on the streets was wrong, Hirono missed a unifying opportunity by suggesting it was just the result of the current political atmosphere - after all, people are angry.

Her defense of the left's actions on the streets is understandable when you consider that she has established herself as one of them. Assemble more than 20 left-wing activists in the proximity of a camera and you can count on Hirono to show up. In a recent tweet, she wrote: "Proud to stand with activists in the Capitol and across the country ..."

If Hirono cannot find a crowd to join, she will form one. You need only recall how she assembled a bunch of Christine Blasey Ford's fellow - oops - lady high school alumni to announce that they believe Ford. This was a peaceful protest and well within Hirono's and the ladies' rights. It was, however, a cheap political trick.

None of these women were witnesses, corroborators or even contemporaries of Ford. They were a bunch of mostly Democrat women who were participating in a political stunt that had nothing to add to the substance of the Kavanaugh debate. They had no basis for their opinions other than the desire to stop Kavanagh's confirmation. They had their voices heard and were summarily ignored, as they deserved.

The Daily Beast's D.C. bureau chief Jackie Kucinich, appearing on CNN's Inside Politics, said that the difference between a mob and protestors is merely perspective. She referenced how Democrats referred to the Tea Party folks as a mob. That may have happened, but certainly not very often. I mostly heard Democrats refer to them as "right-wing extremists, racists, sexists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, gun nuts, white supremacists and, of course, a basket of deplorables." Against that litany of pejoratives, calling them a "mob" would have been downright complimentary. ...More

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