Sunday, June 3, 2018

OBAMA LIE BUSTED:Documents Reveal Obama White House Attempted to Take Over Spygate

Newly released documents show that former President Barack Obama‘s White House lied about being involved in the early stages of the Russia witch hunt, according to The Gateway Pundit.
In fact,”spygate” kicked off months before the FBI even formally opened its investigation into alleged collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia during the 2016 presidential election, and documents show that the democrat dictator wanted to ‘take over.’
During an interview, last Thursday night on Fox News, The Hill columnist John Solomon told host Sean Hannity that documents show Obama’s White House was trying to take over phony Russian-collusion probe months before the FBI formally opened the investigation.
Solomon pointed to two major clues that prove Obama was far more influential in triggering the probe into Trump than many ever knew.
First, he revealed Peter Strzok and Lisa Page wrote in a text message that, “The White House is running this.”
As detailed by Conservative Daily Post, Strzok served as the No. 2 counterintelligence analyst at the FBI before being demoted last year and fired from Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s team after an internal probe found that he had sent hundreds of anti-Trump text messages to Page, a former lawyer at the FBI lawyer with whom he was having an affair.
Page abruptly resigned earlier this month amid the numerous allegations against her. And, all of this happened under fired FBI Director James Comey, who was undoubtedly aware of the entire operation.
Secondly, Solomon said the Obama White House began efforts to target and reach out to Trump campaign officials to gain intelligence months before the FBI had an official “predicate.” Federal law states that the U.S. government can’t use confidential sources until they have a predicated investigation.
Solomon said Obama’s team was using sources who were providing information to the White House well before July 31, 2016, which is when the FBI officially launched its investigation.
Last month, CDP reported that the FBI spy that was embedded into Trump’s 2016 campaign was Stefan Halper, a University of Cambridge professor who previously worked as a CIA operative. He is currently an informant for the FBI in counterintelligence operations and is deeply connected to the Clintons. He’s also a serial liar.
The Obama White House lied about being involved in the Russia probe months before the FBI officially launched its investigation. His administration also skipped over affording Constitutional rights and immediately launched a spy campaign against Trump, with the clear goal of falsely portraying him as guilty for colluding with Russia.
As Solomon noted on Hannity, we are arguably talking about the biggest scandal in modern political history, and there many more secrets that remain hidden.

 Documents Reveal Obama White House Attempted to Take Over Spygate Investigation


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