Thursday, May 10, 2018

"The Airbnb Tax"

Airbnb’s Fight With NYC Is Getting Nastier As Regulation Looms

Is it really possible to determine whether Airbnb is causing a rise in rents? The devil may be in the data, which we just don’t have.

Airbnb’s Fight With NYC Is Getting Nastier As Regulation Looms

Airbnb is trying to make nice with cities, but a new report from New York City’s comptroller’s office has put good relations on ice. The office released a contentious analysis last week that correlates a portion of the city’s rising rents to Airbnb. Now the company is launching an ad campaign, attacking the Stringer report and accusing the comptroller of using home sharing as a scapegoat for a housing affordability crisis.
Stringer’s report found that the home-sharing platform contributed 9.2% to New York City rent increases between 2009 and 2016. Since it was released last week, Airbnb has held two separate press conferences, decrying the methodology and calling the findings “bogus.” 
It’s not the only one making such claims: Third-party data firm AirDNA, whose data was used as part of the comptroller’s research, castigated the comptroller for misrepresenting its data. Air DNA says the report assumes that every listing ever uploaded is equal to the total number of active listings and that Airbnb rentals that are used once a year have the same impact on area rents as a listing that’s rented full-time and professionally managed.
Chris Lehane, Airbnb’s head of global policy, said it was a “great irony” that AirDNA has been one of the report’s loudest critics. “Historically, Airbnb and AirDNA have not necessarily gotten along,” he said. Air DNA scrapes data from Airbnb’s platform, and Airbnb has previously called into question the accuracy of AirDNA’s data.
Despite the criticism, the comptroller’s office has continued to hit back, saying it used AirDNA’s data the way anyone else would by signing up for a free account online. The only additional data it used was from the U.S. Census Bureau. “What we measured was the average effect of Airbnb listings, without respect to duration or type,” the office said in a statement.
The analysis controlled for certain variables, including household income, population, education level, and employment. As to Airbnb’s claims that the office’s study should have taken into account types of listings (i.e., entire home versus private room, or single-listing host versus multiple-listing host), the comptroller’s office says Airbnb keeps that data private. “If Airbnb wants to make the argument that this is a relevant factor, they should hand over the data so that their claims can be independently reviewed.” 

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