Tuesday, October 12, 2021




Figuring out the lack of connection between CO2 and ice ages


The Earth’s climate has been quite stable over the past 11,000 years...

Figuring out the lack of connection between CO2 and ice ages

Here is a bizarre observation: Climate scientists claim they can explain every facet of the climate-weather system, yet they still don’t know why ice-ages occur. Isn’t that peculiar? They will arm-wave about orbital cycles (regular and specific changes in the earth’s orbital relationship to the sun) and CO2, while desperately hoping you won’t ask troubling questions, such as “Why do some orbital cycles produce ice-ages and interglacials (that is, the milder climates between ice ages), while others do nothing at all?” Or “Why should a climate system be selective in its response to orbital cycles?”

And that’s not the only problem for classical climate scientists because they have not even begun to explain the convoluted complexities of the ice-age cycle. And yet they will still claim a thorough understanding of both ancient and modern climate systems.

Friday, October 1, 2021

If There Is No Truth, There Is No Injustice

The civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. (C) waves to supporters on the Mall in Washington on Aug. 28, 1963.

If There Is No Truth, There Is No Injustice

Commentary by Paul Adams

Can there be an injustice if there is no truth?

Martin Luther King Jr. considered this question in his powerful letter from Birmingham Jail (1963). He was responding to fellow members of the clergy who opposed segregation but rejected civil disobedience, which involved breaking the law. His central point was that laws may be just or unjust. We have a duty to obey just laws and to oppose, even defy unjust laws. We need to recognize that both kinds exist and learn how to tell the difference.