

Thursday, March 4, 2021

OPINIONS BY LIBERTY LADY - 03/04/2021, Where’s The 91% Going?/Democrat Code of Ethics…/Pork And Special Interest Money/Cleaning House




Where’s The 91% Going?

Democrats like the idea of passing multiple stimulus bills because it allows them to throw a bunch of other pork spendings in it. They use Covid as an excuse. 9% of the 1.9 trillion goes to Covid. Where’s the 91% going?
EVERY American should get a $16,500 check (if they were to spend the covid bill on US). Instead, Democrats are holding it hostage in THEIR wallets. If 90% of the $1.9T Covid bill were going to LEGAL AMERICANS each person would get a $10,500 check. Instead, we only get a dismal 9% ($1,400) and 91% of the rest of YOUR money (it’s YOUR money) works against you to fund the DCP (Democrat Communist Party). Additionally, $1.1T is still left over to spend from the previous “covid” bills. To put that into zeros they still have NOT spent $1,113,265,764,495.13 of YOUR money still sitting, waiting to be spent. That’s enough for another $6,000 direct payment to each American.
How about NO more checks, NO more bills, NO MORE SPENDING?


New Democrat Code of Ethics…

You cannot legislate, the Poor into Prosperity, but you can legislate Government wealth, from the Prosperous.
What one person receives from the Government, without working for it, another person must work for, without receiving it. Plus, they have to work for theirs, too.
The Government does not give anything to anybody, what the Government gave out, was taken from someone else.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
When half the people realize, they don’t have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, but when the other half understands, it does no good to work, because someone else will get what they worked for, that is the beginning of the end of a nation.


Pork And Special Interest Money

Pelosi is really trying to pass this piece of dangerous legislation!
HB1 blocks State Rights to overseeing elections infringes on 1st Amendment Rights by censoring what can be shared about a candidate running for office or one in office. For instance, they might say you can’t refer to a Democrat as a Socialist even though their behavior and words lead to that conclusion. This bill also expands mail-in voting which will lead to increase fraud. It allows illegal aliens to register to vote and children under 18. Talk about Anti-American and Unconstitutional. HB1 and HB8 spell total destruction of our country and pave a huge highway to globalist takeover.
The parliamentarian needs to save us from all the pork and special interest money in the bill. We should not be bailing out states led by Democrats who have spent money unwisely and are in debt because of their own stupidity. This bill should not even be a billion dollars. We can’t afford it. When China stops buying this debt we will be up the river, without the paddle. We are hurting our grandchildren, and I don’t know about you, but I love mine too much to do this to them.
People you need to speak up and speak up now!

Cleaning House

Cali and NY need to get those voting machines out. Purge the rolls. Verify only citizens and then vote out all of those loser Dem and any RINO in office. Remove not only their Senate and House Reps, but their State legislature as well. Put America first/Citizens first people in the office and remove all of the overreaching laws. Seize all of those corrupt people's assets. Sell that off to help in paying off their overspending. Lower taxes, place funds into the community and school infrastructure, and job training. Replace welfare with opportunity. Afterward, remove the excess state and federal programs and support structure to only the actual in need. Close the borders until America is balanced and thriving then meter how many per year we can integrate successfully.

By, Catherine Parker

I wonder what she thought As she stood there, strong and tall.
She couldn't turn away, She was forced to watch it all.
Did she long to offer comfort As her country bled?
With her arm forever frozen High above her head.
She could not shield her eyes, She could not hide her face
She just stared across the water Keeping Freedom's place.
The smell of smoke and terror Somehow reduced her size
So small within the harbor But still, we recognized...
How dignified and beautiful On a day so many died
I wonder what she thought, And I know she must have cried.


America Fights The Epic Faces Of Big Tech Censorship, Fake News & Democratic Propaganda Displayed By CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post and others, We Are Fighting For Truth & Shining That Ray Of Light Into The Cracks Of Darkness……………

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*” Democracy Dies With Media Lies”*

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