

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

TRUMP IS HUNTING RINOs IN Alaska...for the 2022 midterms

Over the last 25 years, the American right has embraced the notion that the worst insult one can heap on an elected Republican is to call him or her a RINO, or “Republican in name only,” which is to say, someone who pretends to be a member of the tribe but is closer to a traitor, because he or she lacks the spine for conservative policymaking, or sells out their own to establishment elites or liberal Democrats.

Trump vows to campaign against 'disloyal'RINOs - Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska

Trump is gearing up for the 2022 midterms

Former President Donald Trump pledged to travel to Alaska next year to campaign against Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R) when she will be running for re-election. Trump issued the statement about his potential role in the 2022 mid-terms to Politico on Saturday.

"I will not be endorsing, under any circumstances, the failed candidate from the great State of Alaska, Lisa Murkowski," Trump said. "She represents her state badly and her country even worse. I do not know where other people will be next year, but I know where I will be — in Alaska campaigning against a disloyal and very bad Senator."

Trump's statement arrives only days after Murkowski voted to confirm Deb Haaland, President Joe Biden's nominee for Interior Secretary.

"Her vote to advance radical left democrat Deb Haaland for Secretary of the Interior is yet another example of Murkowski not standing up for Alaska," Trump added.

Murkowski, who has been a vocal critic of Trump and his policies, was one of seven Republican senators who voted to convict Trump in his second impeachment trial last month. She is also the only one up for re-election in 2022.

During his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference last Sunday, Trump credited Democrats for their commitment to "always stick together." He said that Republicans who opposed him were "grandstanders" and "Republicans in name only," or "RINOs."Mitch McConnell the Backstabber

"The Democrats don't have grandstanders like Mitt Romney, little Ben Sasse, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Toomey, and in the house, Tom Rice, South Carolina, Adam Kinzinger, Dan Newhouse, Anthony Gonzalez," Trump said during his CPAC speech. "Fred Upton, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Peter Meyer, John Katko, David Valadao. And of course the warmonger, a person that loves seeing our troops fighting, Liz Cheney."

Of the list of fellow Republicans that Trump may try to oust, he said, "Get rid of them all."

Murkowski, who first became a senator representing Alaska in 2002, has been challenged by fellow Republicans in the past. In 2010, she lost the Republican nomination and the GOP's support but went on to win the election as a write-in candidate.

Despite Trump vowing to campaign against Murkowski, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is committed to supporting the Alaskan senator. When asked by CNN if he'll support Murkowski in her re-election bid in the midterms, he said, "Absolutely." McConnell said he wasn't worried about Trump's influence to try to unseat Murkowski.

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