

Friday, August 12, 2022


 This isn’t shocking. We all knew that Reps. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) and Liz Cheney (R-WY) would probably be the top picks to sit on this January 6 clown committee  They have no qualms about stabbing the GOP base in the back repeatedly. They think they’re principled. They’re not. They’re morons who are unaware that their participation gives Democrats the talking point that this is bipartisan. Now, we all know it’s not. An anti-Trump Republican is no better than a Democrat, and the extent to Liz Cheney’s mental malfunction is based on her belief that this committee is going to be non-partisan. What a joke, laughable. 

Last Ditch Effort

In a last-ditch (some might say kamikaze) effort to save her House seat, Rep. Liz Cheney is running an ad featuring her dad, former VP Dick Cheney saying that former President Trump is a “coward” who “lost big,” that “a real man wouldn’t lie to his supporters,” and “in our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump.”

https://www.westernjournal. com/dick-cheney-slings- personal-insults-donald-trump- last-minute-attack-ad- daughter-liz/

I don’t like seeing Republicans form a circular firing squad, so I’m going to be careful about what I say here. But I have a hard time believing someone as knowledgeable about the history and world affairs as Dick Cheney seriously believes that Donald Trump is the biggest threat to America in its history. That’s the kind of eye-rolling hyperbole that we used to hear from the left back when Bush and Cheney were in office, and we kept hearing that they were war criminals who should be tried in the World Court and executed and that Cheney lied about WMDs to start a war in Iraq. They called Dick Cheney “Darth Cheney” and compared him to Hitler and Dracula.

I’m also old enough to remember 2016-2020 under Trump, which if you take away all the phony scandals and hyperventilating hateful press, was a time of nearly unprecedented peace and prosperity, as well as fairly moderate, pro-American but not far-right views. Not to bring up a sore point, but I remember Trump being the first President in decades who didn’t start any new wars. I don’t like the way his term ended, but I didn’t feel America was threatened by having a President who crushed ISIS and brought peace to the Middle East through the Abraham Accords.  

I can’t figure out who this ad is for. If it’s aimed at winning the primary for Liz, it’s just going to infuriate a lot of Republicans, and I can’t imagine Democrats crossing over to vote for her because the man they hated more than anyone on Earth (until Trump came along) told them to.  

Unless, of course, they only vilify people when it's politically expedient, then turn on a dime when embracing them becomes useful. But that would call into question anything they say about anybody, including Trump. Hmm...


Uphill battle

As much as I’m hoping for a “red wave” in November to swamp both Houses of Congress, the fact is that retaking the Senate will be an uphill battle. By sheer luck, this year, Republicans are defending 21 seats while Democrats are defending only 14. And it’s harder to remove a Senator in a statewide race than to flip a House District.

Now that we know pretty well who all the candidates will be, analyst Larry Sabato of the Center for Politics has moved likely control of the Senate from “Leans Democrat” to “Toss-up.” Republicans have a number of Trump-endorsed candidates with no government experience, and it’s not yet clear whether voters will see that as a positive or negative. They will also be relentlessly attacked by the media, just like Trump was.

This isn’t meant to discourage you, just to remind you to ignore the polls, and don’t get complacent. If the GOP is to retake both the House and Senate, it will require a lot of work, voting and getting everyone you know to vote, and watching the polls while voting in numbers that are beyond the margin of possible fraud. Oh, and let your state officials know that you will not tolerate any more mass mail-in ballots and unattended drop boxes because they’re just so afraid of monkeypox.

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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