

Monday, August 22, 2022

Donald the Dynasty Slayer / From the Graves of our Founders


Donald the Dynasty Slayer

America was created as a constitutionally limited republic for many reasons, one of which was to be governed by “we the people” rather than the political dynasties so prevalent in Europe, from where most early Americans and patriots emigrated.

These political dynasties all have in the commonwealth, sometimes earned legitimately, but more often through inheritance or through the selective use of their political power for which they were remunerated via obscure pathways.

American dynasty names are familiar – Kennedy, Bush, Cheney, McCain, Clinton – just to name a few. These families believe they are entitled to power and wealth simply by virtue of their last names. Political office is their right, regardless of what they do with this power, and they band together in opposition to any challenge to this power.

Despite being of different political parties, they are actually far more similar than different. It is like a group of country club kids creating two baseball or basketball teams, one wearing red shirts, the other blue shirts, but at the end of the game, the shirts come off and the kids all have a fine dinner at the club, then return to their mansions along the golf course, often next door to each other.

This entitled class is known as the ruling class, the establishment, or the elites. It is like the country club where you can’t enjoy the perks of membership without an invitation from existing members.

As George Carlin observed,

It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it. They don’t give a f*** about you. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it’s called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.

I am not in that club, and neither are most readers of this column. Club membership is not solely based on wealth as billionaire Donald Trump is not in the club either. Nor is Elon Musk.

But before he entered politics, Trump was most certainly in the club, a darling of American elites, posing for photographs with presidents, celebrities, and athletes. He hosted a wildly popular television reality show and was a frequent guest of Oprah and other liberal club members.

When he came down the escalator at Trump Tower in June 2015 announcing his improbable candidacy for the presidency, his club membership was put on probation. At first, the elites thought his candidacy a novelty, a joke on America, a scheme to sell books or promote his celebrity and television endeavors. He was a regular on Morning Joe, yucking it up with Joe and Mika.

But he soon started challenging the ruling class on his way to securing the Republican presidential nomination, and his club membership was quickly revoked. President Trump gave one of his most significant and prophetic speeches in October 2016, a month before he was elected President. He started with:

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense. The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.

These words defined his campaign, presidency, and post-presidency years, replacing a failed and corrupt ruling class. Donald the dynasty slayer continues this day to rack up trophies over his fireplace mantel.

He started with the Bush family, branding the presumed 2016 GOP presidential nominee as “Low Energy Jeb,” leaving him to squander $130 million on his three earned delegates. Trump angered the Bush family, including two former US Presidents, over his brash criticism of their tenures in the White House, and then sent their legacy Jeb to the dog house.

This past May, salt was poured on the Bush festering wound when Trump-endorsed Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton beat Land Commissioner George P Bush, Jeb’s son, in a GOP primary runoff for the nomination as the Republican candidate for a US House seat. The margin of victory was 68 to 32 percent, almost a 40-point longing, similar to another election this past week.

Last week, another club member, Rep Liz Cheney, was primaried out of the GOP nomination and almost certain successful House election by Trump-endorsed candidate Harriet Hageman, 66 to 29 percent, similar to the Bush slaying in Texas a few months earlier.

Several weeks ago in Arizona, Trump-endorsed Kari Lake defeated McCain Family-, Mike Pence-, and Arizona Republican establishment endorsed Karrin Robson for the GOP nomination for Arizona Governor. Robson spent $18 million while Lake spent less than $4 million, demonstrating that Donald the Destroyer doesn’t need money to slay ruling class dragons.

Hillary Clinton, from another dynastic family, lost the presidency to Donald the Slayer in 2016 and may face “Durham the Slayer,” a Special Counsel appointed by Trump’s Attorney General to investigate Spygate and illegal weaponization of the justice and intelligence agencies to further her political ambitions.

Charlie Kirk tweeted an astute observation regarding Donald the Slayer’s collection of scalps,

After 55 years, January 20th, 2023 will mark the first time since 1967 that no member of the Cheney, Clinton, McCain, or Bush family will hold elected or appointed office in the federal government of the United States of America.

This is what Trump meant by draining the swamp. Lastly are ten Republican House members who voted to impeach President Trump, eight of whom are now vanquished from the US House. As USA Today begrudgingly reported,

Four of these 10 Republicans have lost the primaries, four have chosen not to seek reelection, and two made it through their primaries and are running in November’s general election to keep their seats.

This led Trump to post on his Truth Social account,

Others may meet a similar future fate, including Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, and other NeverTrump establishment Republicans. Trump will bide his time and strike when the moment is right. He currently holds no political office and is not a candidate, but he still is a major political force. Is this unfinished business for Trump or part of a larger unrevealed plan?

Donald the Slayer spelled this all out when closing the above-mentioned 2016 speech,

We will vote to put this corrupt government cartel out of business. We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country – and the disenfranchisement of our people.

Trump is on a roll, along with tens of millions of MAGA/America First hoi polloi, perhaps more powerful out of the White House than in the center of power. This raises the question of who is really running the country. Donald the Destroyer is only getting going, and as he likes to say, “The best is yet to come.”

Z*Z*Z Source:


From the Graves of our Founders


As of last night, April 9, 2018, satellite thermography had mysteriously recorded tiny patches of ground at Monticello and Mount Vernon, Virginia as well as in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and points scattered throughout the East-Northeast, at temperatures nearing 600°F. The nearly forty red spots in an otherwise black infrared photo were identified as the gravesites of the signers of our United States Constitution. The heat generated, local authorities said, was attributed to the spinning bodies of the interred.

Granted, a silly opening for an article concerning one of the most singularly shameful and stunningly horrific points to date in our national history: Yesterday, most obviously sometime shortly after the drop-dead deadline wherein Tucker Carlson could have appropriately given it the incredulous sarcasm and scathing criticism it deserved, the FBI raided our president’s attorney’s office and his Park Avenue hotel room. I CAN NOT BELIEVE THAT ANY JUDGE IN THIS LAND WOULD HAVE PERMITTED SUCH AN ATROCITY.

In the same style that federal agents might have busted up a still in the 1930s hills of Kentucky, the Monday raid on attorney Michael D. Cohen’s business and residence by Obama’s shadow government seized documents they claim were relevant to Mr. Cohen’s business with our President Donald J Trump, which I always thought was part of an untouchable attorney-client privilege. Nevertheless, as we learned during the Obama regime, if you cross the Forces of Darkness, don’t be surprised if even the IRS winds up at your doorstep. And they criticize Vladimir Putin for his tyranny?

After a year of beating the invented and now completely dead horse of ‘Russian collusion, this mob-like, “up against the wall!”, the intrusion of Cohen’s business and New York City residence was nothing more than headline-grabbing drama and distraction added to the fire that has been built in the attempt to take down our president. 

The Trump-hating New York Times called the search an “aggressive move” on the part of the Justice Department. They went on to describe President Trump’s entirely justified outrage as his “lashing out” in “an extraordinarily angry response” to more of what President Trump rightly calls a “witch hunt”. I’m sure it was also intended to draw the press away from the first flow of what little might be left of Hillary’s incriminating e-mails.

But what most morning-after commentary will miss - as conservative journalists attack and liberal writers praise - the arrogance of the strident and completely interest-conflicted prosecutor Mueller and his attack dogs, Rosenstein, Wray, and others, is that if these sub-government thugs don’t bat an eye in strong-arming our President and his attorney like this in broad daylight, what will they do and what are they doing now to John Q Public who dares to criticize, question or oppose their terror?

Very few people are aware that the Department of Homeland Security is just now announcing “officially” putting together dossiers, collecting information, ‘data’, on all ‘journalists’, outspoken writers of all genres, including e-mail commentators to Facebook columnists. Even fewer now remember when the Clintons and liberal congressional and senatorial cohorts wanted to introduce legislation controlling who could ‘qualify’ as a public voice. The deep state is on the move. To them, President Donald J Trump is just a blip on the screen that they will soon remedy.

I am still stumbling around like I’m on drugs, every time I think about the fact that this nation’s worst eight-year mistake, Barack Obama, casually stepped to the microphone and attributed Hillary’s defeat to “Russian interference”. Effectively what he said was, “If those anti-American Russians hadn’t shown everybody what careless and self-serving liars Clinton and her DNC really are, Hillary would’ve been a shoo-in!” After that, the move was on to vilify Julian Assange for lancing the pus from a festering infection that could have killed our nation forever.

And now there is Donald Trump, that bastard non-politico who has the audacity not to live in someone else’s back pocket. Of COURSE, he is the most hated man on the planet. It’s because the liberal media/entertainment industry, which happens to also be the loudest established voice on earth - in conjunction with the professional politicians who dance like puppets for them and the power they provide - were moving in for the final kill just when the people finally managed to speak loud enough to get their man into the Oval Office. That wasn’t supposed to happen. And he and all of his supporters have been paying for that God-given miracle ever since.

Image result for Obama one big ass mistake
We had another 8-year mistake/president who gave our nation’s school kids material for putting together a bottomless library of off-color jokes about cigars. That same man has been accused of more rape and murder than Jack the Ripper. That president and his loser first lady (who couldn’t even win a rigged election) have a trail of bodies behind them - from Little Rock to Washington DC - that could fill a city bus. 
After that man, we had another president who completely animated the racial hatred of a dozen Louis Farrakhan's, and who spent more money on his own pomp and entertainment than Julius Caesar - and who is still wasting hundreds of millions of our tax dollars on a terrorist training camp/ ‘library’/shrine to himself that will rival the Acropolis.

And yet Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Christopher Wray, Andrew Wiseman, and all the powers of hell are going after Donald J Trump alleging an affair with a consenting adult woman. If Bill Clinton had dated her, it could very well have resulted in yet another ‘suicide’.

The local authorities last night went so far as to exhume the spinning body of Thomas Jefferson from his Monticello grave. Before they could put him back into the ground, they found this note tucked into his vest pocket...
“Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.”— Thomas Jefferson

By Janet Varney

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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