

Monday, June 21, 2021

President Trump Makes BIG Announcement On Rudy Giuliani And Mike Lindell /Biden's 'weak' performance on the world stage


President Trump Makes BIG Announcement On Rudy Giuliani And Mike Lindell

Over the weekend, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who has been a very dedicated supporter of President Trump held a rally in Wisconsin.

It was expected that President Trump would be giving a speech, and he did, though it wasn't in person.

In the video, President Trump made the remark the both Lindell and Rudy Giuliani are going to go down in history, and likely very soon.

"I want to thank people like Rudy Giuliani, who’s out there fighting and they’re after him and they want to take him down. They want to take us all down. There’s never been a time like this. There’s never been. It’s weaponized and the Republicans were very nice.

Our people were very, very nice and very, very respectful and I said this would happen. But Rudy is a great patriot. He was the greatest mayor in the history of New York and a great, great patriot. And what he’s done, and what Mike has done, and what so many other people have done, these are incredible heroes and they’re going to go down as heroes someday and I think it’s someday in the not too distant future."

We really haven't heard much from Rudy Giuliani lately, so this statement from President Trump really makes you wonder what he's been up to this whole time

In some sense, it seems odd to me that Mike Lindell...the MyPillow guy of all people is someone who is playing such a big role in all of this, but at the same time, it could really have been anyone. Lindell is just a patriot who loves this country and knows about the inner workings of Washington, D.C., at least in some respects relating to the election and the Democrats' dirty tricks.

I will say that I do think that there is still a lot of evidence that we haven't seen, but given the system that we're fighting against it really takes the most solid and concrete evidence possible to do anything that would prove the sham that happened in November. 




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