

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

OPINIONS BY LIBERTY LADY - 06/15/2021, Democrats and Republicans/Biden is off to a grand start/ REGARDING Earth-Shaking_Election Information



 All levels of the American government and that includes Democrats and Republicans

colluded to commit fraud in the swing states in the 2020 election.
They also cheated in prior elections, specifically in 2016 but they were caught off guard and didn’t cheat enough to ensure a victory for Hillary Clinton, but they knew better in 2020.  S he could not believe she lost. Someone died the day after the final tally on 2016. Someone who was supposed to ensure that she had it won and it was much worse than they ever believed. They were short-sighted and did not believe the election would go to the electoral college. Those who did the planning lost it all once the doors were closed at the DNC. Thankfully.
She is too old and feeble to run again. Much like OLD JOE., they must be pumping him full of steroids to keep him in the game every day.

They were prepared and not about to let Trump win again.

PA and Michigan are corrupt and have been so for years and it will take an act of God to get rid of the corruption there and I am not sure that the conservatives can ever change their election system


Biden is off to a grand start.

Biden recently gave an MSNBC interview where he showcased his complete inability to discuss the virus accurately or even coherently and resorted to once again telling lies about the virus.

Biden insisted falsely during an MSNBC interview that he wrote an early op-ed on January 17th about the coronavirus.

During the same interview, Biden stated the coronavirus started in the " Luhan province " in China when it started in the city of Wuhan which is located in the Hubei province.

Biden has even acknowledged his own incoherence regarding the coronavirus telling MSNBC it's "probably best I don't" keep talking and admitting his previous statements were a " stupid way to say it I guess ."

During the early stages of the coronavirus response, Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden accused President Trump of " hysterical xenophobia " for instituting a travel ban for non-American travelers coming from China.

Biden has simultaneously said we should listen to Dr. Fauci while also accusing President Trump of letting the virus spread unchecked around America despite Dr. Fauci denying these allegations in his own statements.

Biden publicly asked the President to invoke the Defense Production Act after the President had already invoked the act.

In early March, the Biden campaign was fact-checked by numerous outlets for doctoring a video to make it appear the President had called the coronavirus a "hoax."

During a Democrat primary debate, Biden falsely claimed that President Trump turned down an offer from the WHO to provide testing kits.

The WHO has never offered to sell test kits to the United States.

Biden claimed the Trump Administration had cut funding for the CDC when, in reality, CDC funding has gone up under President Trump.

Biden falsely accused President Trump of disbanding the National Security Council team in charge of pandemic responses.

The NSC team responsible for the pandemic response was not disbanded but reorganized in 2018 as part of a global health reorganization.

The Washington Post gave the Biden campaign four Pinocchios for falsely claiming a top official at the Centers for Disease Control was "silenced."

The Washington Post: "No excuse for this video to claim Messonier was silenced."

Biden has even claimed, falsely, that he hasn't criticized the President's coronavirus response.



#Earth-Shaking_Election Information...Will Vindicate EVERYTHING...

 You have to be nutty or very GULLIBLE to think that the firms that are performing the Arizona ''audit'' are counting and checking HONESTLY.

Doug Logan, who is in charge of the lead firm in this ''audit'', has claimed that Dominion machines use Smartmatic software used which comes from Venezuela. That is A LIE. In fact, it is two lies. Dominion does not use Smartmatic software and Smartmatic have nothing to do with Venezuela.

 Here is what Logan tweeted:

 “The core software utilized by Dominion, the 2nd largest US voting machine vendor originates from the intellectual property of Smartmatic; a company that was founded in communist Venezuela with links to Chavez.”

And Logan also tweeted the nutty story that in 2020 the presidential election was being run from servers in Germany and the US Army found out about it and tried to get the servers, but was attacked by the CIA and a gunfight resulted, and (so he claims) the CIA won (which is a really the really nutty story in itself)-------which is why the alleged servers in Germany have never been seen.

So, you have to be GULLIBLE to believe that an honest audit will be performed by this firm and the firms that it supervises. You have to be very GULLIBLE.


There seems to be credible evidence suggesting the virus made its way to the US bioweapons lab, then to university for a gain of function research, then to CCP operatives which transferred it to the L4 Biolab in Wuhan. There’s also credible evidence that the virus is not the same as that which came from bats. It’s similar but includes changes that are not probable through natural mutation. This suggests the gain of function research was successful. The question is, what part of this is criminal? Doing the research isn’t criminal. If the research was stolen, that would be criminal. If the virus were deliberately released on a population, that would be criminal. Does anyone seriously doubt that the virus was deliberately deployed? We should start by looking at who benefitted, who had motive, means, and opportunity. Personally, I do not believe this is about national ambition where one country is at war with another. What we are witnessing, and what we know from history, is that this is a criminal conspiracy intent on world domination. It’s not China and Russia against the US. It’s certain people operating in circles of power in multiple countries towards the ultimate goal. That goal is a new world order, one world totalitarian government enforcing a neofeudalism system. “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”.


If you don't understand what is actually going on with this whole 'transgender" agenda.

A biological male with a penis and testicles dresses and, sometimes, lives as a woman. This "transgender" biological male has no interest in having a surgically constructed vagina. The "transgender" biological males want to keep the penis and testicles but claim they are female because their "gender" is feminine. Don't laugh, these so-called "transgender" biological males want legal recognition as females with the same legal protections enjoyed by women and young girls in our society. That is the "transgender agenda" that is being pushed by the Democrats. Two federal judges have ruled in their favor allowing these biological males to participate in girl's and women's sports. Now in the real world, males who dress as females are called "transvestites". They are not "transsexuals", males who want to surgically change their sex from male to female. These biological males who dress as women did not like the word "transvestite" so several decades ago they came up with the word "transgender". It was an effort to confuse the public and make people believe they were "transsexuals" when they were really old-fashioned "transvestites". There is no such thing as "transgender", it would simply mean a biological male was transitioning from masculine gender to feminine gender. Okay, that means they stop acting like masculine males and become feminine males. That doesn't make them "transsexual" and it certainly doesn't make them female.

By, Catherine Parker

Catherine Parker 



I wonder what she thought As she stood there, strong and tall.
She couldn't turn away, She was forced to watch it all.
Did she long to offer comfort As her country bled?
With her arm forever frozen High above her head.
She could not shield her eyes, She could not hide her face
She just stared across the water Keeping Freedom's place.
The smell of smoke and terror Somehow reduced her size
So small within the harbor But still, we recognized...
How dignified and beautiful On a day so many died
I wonder what she thought, And I know she must have cried.


Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Adams

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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We will continue to search for alternative sites, some of which have already been compromised, in order to deliver our message and urge all of those who want facts, not spin and/or censorship, to do so as well.

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