

Monday, May 10, 2021

POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY: 05/10/2021, “Let The PURGING Begin! / “The Political Will To Say NO!!!” / Help Wanted: New GOP Leadership

by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

“Let The PURGING Begin!!!



“Kinzinger: Republican Party Is ‘Basically The Titanic’ in the Middle of a ‘Slow Sink’”

“Clyburn: GOP’s Liz Cheney Purge Is ‘Classic Cancel Culture’”

“Cassidy: For GOP to Win in 2022, We Need ‘Folks that Agree with Liz Cheney”

“Hogan: Bothers Me Republicans Have to ‘Swear Fealty to the Dear Leader’ Trump or ‘Get Kicked Out’”

 The CORRUPT media loves LIZZIE. Every scumbag is coming to her defense along with every dirtbag, lowlife in the PARTY OF HATE. This despicable cretinous daughter of that war-mongering human piece of trash is well aware of her fate. Today McCarthy made it official. He approves of her ouster and will back Representative Stefanik. Of course, it took a lot of time before the House Minority Leader made his decision. His waffling was enough to make you sick. To all you DISGUSTING RINOS let me again tell you that this is TRUMP’S PARTY. It is difficult to get this through the thick head of every feckless RINO but that is the undeniable and indisputable fact. It is definitely so. Under Trump’s leadership, we saw the GOP base grow.

 We are seeing the Establishment Republicans being used to demonize our forty-fifth President but it will come to no avail. These good-for-nothing RINOS will once again fail. The MAGA movement is alive and is doing rather well. Don’t buy into this CULT business these HATERS are trying to peddle. Of course, it is a hard sell. And speaking of a hard sell let me yet again tell you that the BIG LIE is that the election WAS NOT stolen. Without a doubt it was and now we are stuck with this blithering idiot who really thinks he’s president, this pathetic empty suited POS, Joe Biden.

 Getting rid of LIZZIE should only be the beginning. The rest of the House and Senate leadership should be purged and replaced with those who fully support what the MAGA movement stands for. We need a strong, vibrant Republican Party is principle and courageous to the core. We are stuck with one that is thoroughly clueless and brain-dead. It is about time that this political party finally does right by us all. It must. It has to be. Enough said!!!


Help Wanted: New GOP Leadership”

The GOP House leadership is utterly ABYSMAL. Not only should LIZZIE go but the rest of them should go as well. Methinks a well-needed change is in order as far as I can tell. This Kevin McCarthy is about as wishy-washy as they come. He is far from bright. The man is flat-out dumb. The chances look quite good that the Republicans will capture the House majority next year. Things for the PARTY OF HATE have never looked bleaker. I think it is time to have McCarthy replaced by a Jim Jordan. He would make a very fine SPEAKER. Never underestimate the Republican Party for they are more than capable to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They are a political party that can truly drive us all crazy. Fecklessness is synonymous with the GOP.

 We can clearly see the CORRUPT media rally around that               Trump HATING, Lizzie Cheney, daughter of that detestable WARMONGER, who served as VP to that DOLT who was our forty-third president. So much blood is still on his hands. Dick Cheney gives off a very odorous scent. Like father, like daughter these two so love to send one’s sons and daughters off to war. I still cannot fathom why Lizzie is still holding on to her position. She must, has to be shown the door. Waiting in the wings is Elise Stefanik, who has Trump’s full endorsement. Unlike dirtbag Lizzie, she is very much a strong supporter of the MAGA movement. Hopefully, she is the first of many GOP leadership replacements in both the House and the Senate. Those who are currently serving are clearly unfit.

 You can see some in the PARTY OF HATE chiming in with their options. We really don’t need to hear from these scumbags, these cretins. Bernie Sanders is very vocal. We hear him go on about how the Republican Party is nothing but an anti-Democratic cult. The more we hear all their support for lowlife Lizzie removing her will be easy, not difficult. Bernie just loves to smear the MAGA movement. It is what he and the others in the PARTY OF HATE live for. The last thing they want after they suffer an electoral beating in 2022 is to face Trump in 2024. Apparently, every scuzz-ball in the CORRUPT media has received their talking points from the DNC. If you listen closely you will hear the word, CULT, being used excessively.


The Political Will To Say NO!!!”


Would it not be wonderful if the Republican Party adopted the JUST SAY NO policy toward Biden that the PARTY OF HATE utilized against our forty-fifth president when he tried to pass his agenda? Back in the previous administration, the Democrats voted nearly unanimously to oppose every Trump appointee. Apparently, the GOP wishes to lose and lose nobly. What we have been witnessing in this Senate are plenty of Republicans joining the Democrats in confirming many a hardcore leftist. The GOP is a thoroughly BALL-LESS political party I needn’t have to remind you. They need to find a pair. The search is never-ending to find just two. It is a political party that is fractured with a slew of RINOS that are poison. They need to change drastically if they are to stop the horrific political agenda of Joe Biden.

  It’s the same old story with this GOP. It is a party of BETRAYAL that is a bit too untrustworthy. This ILLEGITIMATE President issues many a fiat. He works in a frenzied state. For him and his PARTY OF HATE, time is of the essence to ram his agenda through or so it appears. This agenda is the most radical in ninety years. This is governance that has absolutely no bipartisanship. It seems as if we are living in a dictatorship. The political atmosphere is so very chilling. That is the climate that we are in. Let us call it what it is - ORWELLIAN. Biden doesn’t have a mandate but he certainly acts like he has one. This is a time where we must see his political opposition show strong RESISTANCE against Biden’s ‘pen and phone’ governance. It is the same governing style of our forty-fourth president but this is far worse if that can possibly be imagined. This time our beloved America is so thoroughly burdened.

 All it takes is Senator Manchin to back down on his opposition to the Filibuster and you will see the dreams of the radical agenda be unleashed on our beloved America. The packing of the Court, DC statehood, federalizing national elections, and, last but not least, eliminating the Electoral College is what you will see. That will be for starters. Our country will be unrecognizable as it will indeed be transformed completely.

Written by Joe Esposito,05/07-09/2021

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.



"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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