

Monday, May 10, 2021




Date sent05/09/2021 10:05:22 am
Subject:Starting an R3VOLution

Dear Michael,

If you’re looking for hopeful signs that the people are starting to take back their government at a local level, you need to look no further than a town of 13,000 people called Vail, Arizona.

Last week, hundreds of upset parents showed up to a school board meeting in that town to compel the board to end the district’s policy of forced masking of all students.

The board members could see their plan to keep the mask mandate for children was incredibly unpopular, so they decided to adjourn their pre-scheduled meeting before it even started and fled from the peaceful but determined parents and hid in a smaller room.

In the meantime, the county sheriff’s department was left to handle these parents who were increasingly frustrated about the mask policy and their own school board members abandoning their post to escape any criticism.

Very cowardly move.

The entire ordeal lasted a couple of hours and was captured on video and sent to a friendly local talk radio station with a statewide audience.

That video, which was posted online, took off like wildfire, was shared on very influential accounts from coast to coast, and has even been seen in other countries.

People are rightly outraged over an elected body running from their constituents merely because “too many” showed up in opposition to the school board continuing to mandate the masking of their children.

This didn’t happen by accident, and you can do it in your community too.

In fact, a similar scene played out in Utah’s Granite School District this week, where parents actually told the board they were taking over as the meeting was prematurely adjourned over a “mask infraction.”

What these parents have done is more than symbolic -- it’s putting these boards on notice that parents are fed up with bureaucrats and electeds unwillingness to admit that the masking policy for children is cruel and unscientific and they aren’t going to take it anymore.

And it’s giving citizens renewed hope that they can actually DO something to stop and reverse the rapidly proliferating government edicts.

Fed-up citizens in Vail are now seeking to change the current board through the recall process because the parents have spoken and their message is “get out of here, you no longer represent us!”

Because of the message that was sent in Vail, other folks are clamoring to find out how to do this in their districts, where the mask policies are harming their own children.

The untold story is that what happened in Vail is the result of the quick thinking of long-time activists who are active in Campaign for Liberty today!

These activists did something similar in 2012 to force major leadership changes to the state GOP, which resulted in the liberty movement growing much stronger in that state.

So how can you learn to create a movement against mask policies or anything else that the political class is doing to rob you and your families of liberty?

There are activist training available all over the country to learn these tactics and more, all of which have been proven to work at all levels of government, whether it’s in your state House, city hall, or even these tyrannical local boards.

It can work outside of politics as well, which played out in real life a few years ago against an out-of-control California HOA that was ripping off a community of 18,000 retirees, mostly on a fixed income.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned through all this Corona-craziness, it’s the political class will not hesitate to seize extraordinary powers over our daily lives without hesitation when they see they have an opening.

Unfortunately, the fear campaign waged by politicians, bureaucrats, and the corporate media scared people into giving up their rights with the hope they would be protected from a virus.

Now that the fear is subsiding for the majority of Americans, they are waking up to the fact that the powers being used against us were never meant to be temporary.

It’s a power-grab like I’ve never seen in my lifetime, even worse than the Patriot Act and the 2008 bailouts of banking and industry.

Getting our freedom and liberty back clearly doesn’t come from a vaccine or anything else the corporate fascist elite is offering.

It’s going to take organizing, proven confrontational tactics, and beginning the process of taking back power, just like the parents in Vail, Arizona, and the Granite School District in Utah.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul, M.D.

P.S. Liberty will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make 2021 a historic year. Please consider a generous donation now.


LET'S PARTICIPATE IN OUR The United States Of America -Is A Constitutional Republic, America is a DEMOCRACY

We can often take our Republic were granted. It's been there for a long time and we think it will it will be there in the future as well. However, if we do not participate in the type of democracy we will end up having will be a lot more unrepresentative and disenfranchising.

"Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education." Franklin D Roosevelt

I sometimes think that we are entering a dangerous time with our Republic. Whether this is because we are living increasingly busier lives, or because we think politics is just totally irrelevant, or even because we feel that politicians just don't listen to us. Or perhaps, it is because in a representative democracy we elect people to make the decisions for us.

The problem with these sentiments is that it is the start of a downward spiral where more decisions are made by fewer and fewer people. It is here we start to make the transition from Republic to oligarchy/technocracy and finally to autocracy. In these two latter scenarios, the interests of the vested few take precedence over the interests of all.

Do we want Politicians or Representatives?

It is a shame that the people who we choose to represent us are now referred to as "Politicians". And in fact, that is what they have become with a lot of those negative connotations. If we want a Republic Democracy being we need to elect people that know the Constitution and will not waiver from it they will be "our Representatives". By calling our Elected Officials "Representatives" we might actually have a chance at holding them to account.

Let's participate!

Voting is important, but Republic is more than voting. Republic implies participation in the decision-making process. It does not necessarily mean that everyone has to be writing submissions or expressing an opinion on every decision that is to be made.

In complex or large democracies it is about ensuring there are sufficient and varied structures and institutions to debate and carry the voice of the people. For example, this might be community or special interest groups. Whatever the channel or the means we need people to participate in order to ensure decisions are made in the interests of all.

Democracy or Freedom doesn't come cheap. It does take time and it does take effort. A Republic is only a true Democracy when the decisions we make are informed by fact.

Hello American Patriots,

I’d like to invite you to our community, The American Patriot Union.

It takes less than a minute to join and together we’re sharing our stories, experiences, and ideas.

I know you’ll love it.

See you there!
Richard Miller

Tyranny Has Arrived in America.


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