

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

You're CRAZY If You Deny This Evidence Of ELECTION FRAUD


 Twitter suspends data analyst who testified that up to 300,000 fake people voted in the Arizona election

Twitter on Monday suspended an account belonging to a Trump campaign witness who testified about voter irregularities at an election integrity hearing in Phoenix, Arizona. Bobby Piton, an investment adviser and managing partner at Pre-Active Investments, LLC, was suspended by Twitter on the same day he testified that as many as 306,000 "fake people" voted in the Arizona election. He claimed that after analyzing government voter registration and census data, in his opinion the "biggest fraud in the history of our constitutional republic is taking place right before our eyes."

A spokesperson for Twitter told TheBlaze Piton's account "was permanently suspended for violating Twitter Rules on Platform Manipulation and Spam." The spokesperson did not say which specific rules Piton violated. TheBlaze has asked for clarification.

Piton appeared as an expert witness at a public hearing held by Arizona state GOP lawmakers. The hearing featured members of President Donald Trump's legal team, who presented their claims of voting irregularities and allegations of voter fraud in the Arizona election. Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and his legal adviser Jenna Ellis both attended the proceedings.

While the hearing took place, Arizona officials certified the results of the 2020 election. Former Vice President Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump, earning 49.4% of the vote to Trump's 49.1%. More than 3.2 million ballots were cast and voter turnout surged to nearly 80%.

"I would have never ever have certified, I would rather resign than have certified those results," Piton said during his testimony.


"If I was an executive at a publicly-traded company, I would never sign that because I risk jail time and having all my money taken from me in lawsuits,"" he added. "I believe [the numbers] are fraudulent based on the data. … I'd be willing to put my life on it, I'm that sure about the analysis."

Giuliani told lawmakers state officials were "certifying a false statement to the United States of America."

Both Republican and Democratic state officials expressed confidence in the results after they were certified, the Arizona Republic reported.

"Despite the unprecedented challenges, Arizonans showed up for our democracy," Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, said. "Every Arizona voter has my thanks and should know they can stand proud that this election was conducted with transparency, accuracy and fairness in accordance with Arizona's laws and election procedures, despite numerous unfounded claims to the contrary."

Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey, who campaigned with Trump, said, "We do elections well here in Arizona. The system is strong and that's why I bragged on it so much."

Piton's Twitter suspension follows another controversial incident where a Pennsylvania Republican state lawmaker had his personal account temporarily suspended and later reinstated. State Sen. Doug Mastriano, a Republican who organized election integrity hearings in Pennsylvania, accused Twitter of censorship.

The suspension drew the attention of President Donald Trump, who accused Twitter and the news media of working together to "SILENCE THE TRUTH."

Twitter later revoked the suspension and said in a statement: "This account was mistakenly suspended for perceived violations of our impersonation policy. This was an error. We have immediately reversed the decision and the account has been reinstated."

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

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