

Saturday, December 5, 2020


The truth behind the rhetoric From the diary of A Patriot, Bill Sharpe

Hello friends, Bill Sharpe Here...

Good morning to my fellow constitutional loving 

Good morning my friends 
Americans patriot constitutionalist 
 Here's my thought for today 

Image result for American patriots.

Hello, my Christian constitutional American patriots.
Good morning friends and fellow Americans and patriots,
Greetings to my Christian friends' Patriots 3% ers, and tea party freedom fighters.

Sometimes to teach or to tell a story it becomes so difficult to even know where to start the conversation, becomes a monumental task, just to start the conversation.

 This is for Christopher Hallett of  E-clause LLC loss prevention, Donald J Trump 45th president of the United States of America, Kirk Pendergrass, from Kirks law corner, and Hillsdale College, Richard Miller, and to all the American patriots Still fighting for our liberties and freedoms, Alive or Dead.

 Once Upon a Time in America 

 One of the things that led to the creation of our nation was commerce, the right for everyone to Barter or sell their, Talents, wares or trades or whatever they did to survive for a living, people have the Natural right to do so without interference from the government, but as the economy grew, the government's Control Over the people grew, what l am talking about is King England.

 all of the businesses and corporations were owned by independent tradesmen which made up a hundred percent of the economy, of course, some of the businesses were sponsored by foreign countries like France, such as the fur Business  Industry.

It became apparent to the king and dictators that they needed to put a tax on commerce so that they could stay in control so that those who were selling or bartering the resources of the land could not profit 100%, and could not become independent and wealthy, not just wealth in financial terms but of wealth in intellectual terms as well.

 The merchants and businessmen who are independent and operating independently from any corporation or governments here in American where the most successful and profitable and were the intellectuals in all of the communities, it did not go unnoticed by the king or the king's men, so it should not be a surprise that the grand remonstrance against the king was called the Declaration of Independence, so to support the independence of all small businesses and to all of the people on the land, and to take a stand against the king's control of the independent merchants in every way, that was Infringing or trespassing on the people, liberties, and freedoms, through taxation rules and regulation, that would send the majority of the profits back to the king, Through unlawful taxes or fines, levied without Legislative or judicial oversight, and without any representation for the people.

 The hardships for people to build their small independent Empire and families, where exactly that hardships, fighting to survive every day, those people were the ones who put all of their assets on the table every day to survive, because one mistake living and surviving in the world would cost one everything, their lives their fortune their family member, and for the king to step in and take by force a percentage if not all Profit from the labor and sacrifices of the people and To remove any form of an independent Nature was done by outright theft by force.

 and the bigger a community grew, the need to feed the government grew proportionately to control the population of the independent, for if the independent grew more, Independent and wealthy They would become more intellectual and would be more independent in their lives, and the king's government could not control them, and there would be so many more independent and wealthy people in our nation and in the world, It would be a great threat to the king's government and control of the people, perhaps this is why there always has to be a military challenge to justify the growth of government, and to suppress the average people into control, monetary slavery of pain and pleasure, what level of pain you're willing to accept, and what level of pleasures you are willing to live without.

 It's interesting in today's world the independent or those who seek to be independent, are under constant attack from, unconstitutional Government agents and agencies and the major corporations and law firms, and government-owned utility companies, anything that you need to survive is being used As a weapon against the people,(Such as the Judiciary ) to keep the people from having any form of independence, it's interesting that in America we had a war called the war of independence, And today some in our government are mirroring exactly the same things that took place prior to the war of independence.

 Today all the major corporation, from the mainstream media, from the food giants to the energy suppliers, every major corporation are working in conspiracy and collusion to destroy all independent businesses here in America, and putting direct pressure to force people to surrender their independence, and become part of a big corporation, and if you want to survive, and if you want to live under their control, under food stamps or welfare, under government subsidies, you see basically everybody who is wealthy in this country, are agents for the major International corporation to remove and dissolve all independent from the people, starting with your religion and any thoughts you have of being free, free to think, free to create, free to believe.

 It was the Majority of a group of independent merchants who created this nation for and by the people so that liberty and justice could allow for the independent people of this nation to survive in this world, a group of people all believe the same thing, to be free and independent the government or the political forces must be controlled by the people, for when the government has no mechanism for control or has no oversight from the people, there is only Tyranny and slavery, and all forms of being independent Will be dissolved.

 What has taken place prior to the war of independence in the 1770s is now taking place here in America in the year 2020 Once again, fake acts of legislation and mandates, are putting our small independent merchants out of business, the Communist demonic Democratic Party under the control of the old the world order has established a hostile takeover of the North American continent of the United States of America, and with the corruption of the voting process they will have destroyed completely all of the gains that all freemen have sacrificed so much for, the future is in our hands today, but tomorrow it may not be.

 The United States of America has become a corporation and is being raped and controlled by the foreign international governments that control the American corporations Acting as agents of war against our nation, and The only people standing in the way is our president Donald J Trump, and the informed and educated American people and the armed American patriots and militias.

 Bill Sharpe Sussex County Delaware,12/3/2020




 I would recommend that everybody go online and take a free course on the Constitution from Hillsdale college, I would also recommend that everybody should join a local militia group and a patriot organization.

God Bless America is an American patriotic song written by Irving Berlin in 1918 and revised by him in 1938. The later version was re
corded by Kate Smith, Note: I would Like you to take the 5 minutes and listen to the words of this Song and remember the Generation that fought A world war so we could be free, So stand up beside Her and let's take our Country back, my Patriot Friends! 


14 January 1969. Famous American comedian, Red Skelton, explains the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, word-by-word, from a memorized lecture given to him by his 7th-grade school teacher, Mr. Lasswell. (Red includes the words "Under God" at the end of the video.)

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. -- Plato (429-347 BC)



and is protected speech pursuant to the "unalienable rights" of all men, and the First (and Second) Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, In God we trust
Stand Up To Government Corruption and Hypocrisy

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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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