

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Rasmussen poll: Trump Pulls Ahead As Biden Falls Behind

 Can Joe Biden beat Trump in November?
Rasmussen poll: Trump gains steam nationally as Biden lead shrinks
The Democratic National Convention is being held this week to formally nominate the party’s presidential candidate, an event that typically leads to a polling bump for the ticket.

But while Joe Biden may indeed experience such an uptick, one major polling firm has found that President Donald Trump is roaring back to the top in both support and overall approval, according to Breitbart.

Biden lead shrinks

According to Breitbart, Rasmussen’s latest White House Watch survey showed Biden with a 4-point lead over Trump on the national level, with 48% support to Trump’s 44%. The remaining 8% of respondents were divided between those favoring a third-party candidate and those who are still undecided.

It was just one week ago that Biden held a 6-point lead in the Rasmussen poll. This latest survey, which included 2,500 likely voters between the periods of Aug. 12–13 and 16–18, had a margin of error of around two percentage points.

Interestingly, Breitbart noted that the new poll also revealed that Trump had surged to a 5-point lead over Biden among independent voters unaffiliated with either major party.

The surge in Trump approval

In a separate poll of 1,000 likely voters taken by Rasmussen between Aug. 18-19, roughly one-fifth of those surveyed reported that they had changed their mind about whom to support after watching the Democratic National Convention, though roughly three-quarters have remained firm in their prior decisions about which candidate they prefer.

That poll also showed that Republicans were slightly more excited than Democrats to tune in and watch their respective party conventions. More importantly, however, was that unaffiliated voters, by a margin of 52%–44%, were more likely to watch the Republican convention than that of the Democrats.

The news from Rasmussen this week only continued to get better for President Trump, as its Daily Presidential Tracking Poll on Thursday revealed that Trump had reached an approval rating of 51%.

Notably, the 51% approval for Trump is two points higher than the 49% approval enjoyed by former President Barack Obama on the same date in 2012 as he cruised to re-election.

According to the Index History of the tracking poll, that is a four-point jump in approval compared to the 47% the president had at the beginning of the Democratic convention.

Encouraging trends

To be sure, there remains plenty of time between now and Nov. 3, and the polls can certainly change dramatically over that span. Furthermore, Biden could see a bump in his poll numbers once his nominating convention has concluded, and Trump’s rollercoaster approval rating could dip once again.

That said, given the low ratings for the lackluster virtual presentation offered by Democrats and likelihood that the upcoming Republican convention next week will fare much better — the president is a bona fide TV star, after all — chances are good that Biden will stay steady or slip in the polls as Trump stands poised to surge ahead in the final stretch of the campaign season

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