

Sunday, August 23, 2020


 by Joe Esposito


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”, I pledge my allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, Amen!

by Joe Esposito



Joe Esposito

Democrat Party – Evil Bad Donkey!

“The End Of A Four Day DISASTER!!!” 
 The expectations for SLEEPY Joe last night could not have been any lower. Everyone was wowed. He actually could read a prepared text from a Teleprompter. He did it without making a gaffe and not have that  ‘deer in the headlights’ gaze. The CORRUPT media gushed and gushed about the speech. Last night SLEEPY Joe was the rage. This dolt had plenty of time to practice this speech for he has spent most of his time in a basement. The PARTY OF HATE sighs with relief. They just know that their guy will convince America he will make a good Commander In Chief, make a really good President. Yeah. Right. Their dream, their narrative continues. ORANGE MAN is bad. He will surely lose.

Biden benefited greatly from the fact that the final night of the Democratic National Convention was pretty much a HORROR until he spoke. To my mind, one speech doesn’t remove this stigma that he has been for practically all of his public life a gaffe ridden joke. Do we really want to take a chance to have him lead our beloved America? There have been increasing examples of his worsening dementia. Let’s see if he will now go out and do one on one interviews. Come out of that damn basement, SLEEPY Joe. It is long past due. Show us what you have. Do a tough interview or two.

Unlike reading from a prepared text speaking extemporaneously will show the mental state that Biden is in. That is a guarantee. He cannot hide from the PARTY OF HATE’S ultra-radical agenda. For SLEEPY Joe, this upcoming campaign will not go down so easily. Up until the time of his speech, the week for the DNC was no laughing matter. Put the gushing and lauding from the sycophantic CORRUPT media the week was an unmitigated DISASTER. Much of what we heard was way over the top. Their HATRED for Trump was on display. It is embedded in each and every miserable Democrat. It’s ingrained in their DNA.

Biden and the Democrat Party that he now leads cannot get away from the ultra-radical agenda that is tied around their neck. Each and everyone is truly dishonest. Of any decency that there is not a smidgen nor a speck. SLEEPY Joe speaks of Trump and dark forces that are hurting our beloved country. What a lot of crock. Has he or the rest of these scumbags condemned the violence that is tearing America apart?? It comes from BLUE state cities. So much arson, so much rioting. The PARTY OF HATE perpetuates a BIG LIE by saying this is all peaceful protesting.

 Come out into the sunshine, SLEEPY Joe. Fight that urge to hide. The electorate will not tolerate it. You will not get a free ride. You cleared a hurdle and now the expectations for your performance in the upcoming debates will certainly be a tad higher. You’ll have to think on your feet and methinks you will come off flat. I am confident that in the end, you will suffer an ignominious defeat and the same goes for most every other miserable Democrat!


“A Political Week Of LIES & HATE!!!”

In the DNC convention, there was not one mention of the continuing violence that has Democrat cities in its grip. Why? It’s obvious that with the mutants that comprise BLACK LIVES MATTER and ANTIFA the PARTY OF HATE has a very strong kinship. In a video released Thursday night, we saw residential areas in Portland, Oregon being terrorized. While the Democrats sit idly by we see the violence being ratcheted up more than anyone could have realized. The left has rigged the game so nothing can be done at all about this violence and harassment. The criminal justice system is a revolving door. There are no consequences for anything. That, my fellow patriots, is very evident. This is deliberate, an easy way to ensure violence and terrorism continue. Remember, this is a revolution, not a protest as the PARTY OF HATE and the CORRUPT media keep telling you.

No truth-telling comes from the reprobates in the networks, CNN and MSNBC. Underlying all of this is the hope that the utter chaos that we are witnessing will be blamed on Trump. This is the strategy being implemented to end his presidency. I think it is fair to say that we have never witnessed such HATRED directed at a sitting President in a political convention. The spewing of it was relentless in its intensity. Lies are being repeated, so effortlessly. So reckless is this PARTY OF HATE. SLEEPY Joe is the perfect tool for these ultra radicals. We listened to him speak of the DARKNESS that pervades our country. He is the one that can bring unity to our beloved America. It is he, Joe Biden, that can end the misery and bring unity. Such nonsense is this. SLEEPY Joe must never get anywhere near the Oval Office and certainly, that goes even more for that detestable, Kamala Harris.

What is not being told that behind the scenes his masters on the LEFT plot and scheme waiting to radically transform our America with their SOCIALIST AGENDA. Need I remind any of you that we have been fooled, not once but twice, in our recent history in electing a phony, a political charlatan, one who in his campaigns put up a fake facade. Did we not learn our lesson? This election we MUST NOT let down our guard. The upcoming week we will have the Republican Convention. They will and must set the facts straight. The lies must be exposed that were expressed by the miserable bastards that we heard from the PARTY OF HATE. President Trump will make his case. It must be made clear that, if he is not re-elected, the hardships and misery our beloved America will surely face. 

Trump Train Song

Vote for Trump in 2020 ? — Steemit

Written by Joe Esposito, 08/21-22/2020

Apparently, they have not learned their lesson from this election loss. In Congress, they apparently are determined to stay in the minority. Need proof?? Their caucus leadership is still in the hands of that brainless twit, Nancy Pelosi. George Soros will still pull the strings more than ever. It is his bidding they will continue to do as they will further move Left and off a cliff, they will surely go. It's a death wish they have and their radicalism will soon bury them. Mark my words. This will be so.

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