

Friday, June 26, 2020

Truth About The US Supreme Court...

The truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains to bring it to light.
George Washington

It’s Time For Conservatives To Face This Unsettling Truth About The US Supreme Court
The latest Supreme Court rulings on DACA and the Civil Rights have been catastrophic for conservatives and really highlights one of the biggest reasons why our country is in the state that it’s currently in. For decades, Republicans have utterly failed to nominate actual conservatives to the Supreme Court and it has taken an ugly toll on America.

As Michael Snyder, a Newswars writer, puts it in an article discussing this matter, it’s time for conservatives to admit the truth. He goes on to point out that over the last 51 years, Republicans have been in the White House for 31 of them and yet the left has enjoyed a “virtually uninterrupted string of historic Supreme Court victories” the entire time.

The current majority of Supreme Court justices have been appointed by Republicans but the left continues to win time and time again. As Snyder points out, Republicans have failed repeatedly in nominating true conservatives to the Court.

He goes on to say:

At this point, only Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito can really be considered “conservatives”, and that means that liberal causes will continue to march forward at the Supreme Court for the foreseeable future.
Have you noticed that the liberal justices always vote the way that the left wants them to vote on key issues?
That is because the left doesn’t make mistakes when it comes to the Supreme Court.  Historically, they have always selected their nominees very, very carefully, and so they always knew exactly what they were getting.
On the other hand, conservatives have been conned into supporting Supreme Court nominees that were either “moderate” or openly liberal for decades.
It all started with Richard Nixon.  He nominated four justices to the Supreme Court, but instead of a more conservative court we ended up with Roe v. Wade.
Reagan and Bush combined to appoint five new justices to the Supreme Court, but Sandra Day O’Connor, Anthony Kennedy and David Souter all turned out to be quite liberal.
George W. Bush gave us John Roberts, and conservatives all over the country cheered when he was confirmed.
But he has also turned out to be very liberal. He has repeatedly voted with the liberal wing of the Court, and on Thursday he once again voted with them in the DACA case.
President Trump was understandably quite upset that the Supreme Court ruled to overturn his decision to repeal the Obama-era DACA.

“The recent Supreme Court decisions, not only on DACA, Sanctuary Cities, Census, and others, tell you only one thing, we need NEW JUSTICES of the Supreme Court. If the Radical Left Democrats assume power, your Second Amendment, Right to Life, Secure Borders, and … Religious Liberty, among many other things, are OVER and GONE!” he tweeted.

Sadly, Trump’s nominees, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh have both been huge disappointments. Not only did Gorsuch rule with the liberal justices on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 decision, he wrote the opinion for the decision. Despite Kavanaugh dissenting he still sang the decisions praises in his dissent:

“Millions of gay and lesbian Americans have worked hard for many decades to achieve equal treatment in fact and law. … They have advanced powerful policy arguments and can take pride in today’s result.”

The bottom line is, the warning signs were there for both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh but Republicans simply failed to adequately vet either candidate. Now we are reaping the consequences and if Biden wins in November, the Supreme Court will officially be a lost cause for conservatives.



Justice Roberts Knows for a fact Obama’s Executive order was unconstitutional, for Obama said it himself when he signed the Executive order! The left cheered, the Right sat in silence, because all Obama had to do was *Toss The Race Card*. Liberals use the Racecard to Achieve everything they have dreamed of, when Liberals can hold the World Hostage with *Rioting, Looting, Killing* even make the whole World pay them PROTECTION plans, using Black Lives Matter Group(Mafia) to extort every Institution on Earth. Justice Roberts knows George Soros *Open Borders Society* will take care of him. This Black Lives Matter Terrorist Group, which is sponsored by George, will be used to kick off his NWO. With full Democrat Party Approval, for the Democrats want nothing but absolute Power over *The People*.

PRAY FOR AMERICA…GOD HELP US, the DemonRats are quickly destroying our nation…it’s their goal to and to rule with an iron hand. If they succeed, The U.S. will destroy itself from within. As the Russian leader decades ago said, “The United States will die from within.” As they pumped billions of illegal drugs into the U.S. through Cuba. Wonder why we have such drug problems now in our country ??? Consider also drug cartel from Mexico…it’s STILL happening! But the democrats LOVE open borders! Maybe they are actually filling their pocketbooks with money from those cartels?!?! GET the DemonRats OUT of every official office…THEN AMERICA WILL BE GREAT AGAIN!

Considering the number of “conservative” Supreme Court nominees who subsequently were appointed to SCOTUS and confirmed by the Senate and who later proved to be liberal, it would appear that a more thorough investigation or “vetting” of potential Supreme Court Justices should be instituted. The liberal activist jurists have infiltrated and corrupted the US judicial system almost to the point of no return! If corrective action is not taken, and SOON, the hammer & sickle flag will eventually fly over the White House, Congress, the Supreme Court, and worst of all, the rest of what may be left of a once-great nation!

It’s rather hard to nominate conservatives to ANY court when the pool of such judicial unicorns is so small. Remember, Eisenhower bewailed nominating Earl Warren to the Court. Warren had the appearance of a conservative justice until he got in and then SCOTUS launched even further to the left. It’s easy to nominate a liberal because there are so many of them. Given the state of academia, this should be no surprise. In the end, you never know what a judge will be until he or she is on the bench.

Break up this phony Supreme Court. Since the 19th century should have been reformed. The Dread Scott decision in the 19th Century.

Read OUR CONSTITUTION and it has only 2 paragraphs concerning the Power that We The People gave it when we created our gov’t. in the first place.

After reading those paragraphs, you will clearly see that we NEVER gave them the power to be the sole arbiter of what is or isn’t Constitutional!!!!!

Read the entire Constitution and the Bill of Rights while you’re at it and you will wonder where any of this is being practiced.

Our current gov’t. is being operated as a “Criminal Enterprise” and they change the rules whenever it suits them.

Think, “Executive powers” that they are “Claiming” they have to shut down the entire Country.

Total suspension of everything and nowhere to be found in the Supreme Law Of The Land, The Constitution!!!!

"Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itself to the wishes and desires of the willfully ignorant." Unknown  

Those Who Don't Know The True Value Of Loyalty Can Never Appreciate The Cost Of Betrayal.


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