

Sunday, May 17, 2020

JUST ONE MAN'S OR WOMEN'S OPINION - 05/17/2020: 75th Anniversary of the End of World War II

Re-Viewed — Just One Man's Opinion


Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. John Adams



On the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe, the paramount question becomes: What happened to the American people?

Is this the nation whose soldiers braved withering fire wading ashore on Omaha Beach, that produced the Battling Bastards of Bastogne -- whose Marines raised the flag over Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima after a month of brutal fighting?
What happened to the American spirit? We’ve gone from the nation of rugged individualism and the pioneer spirit to shutdowns, social distancing, and face masks. Citizens who are treated like children meekly obey.

The battle cry of America the Wuss (“People are dying”) has drowned out “Give me liberty or give me death!”
Where totalitarians have failed, a triumvirate of the political left, fake news, and medical bureaucrats have succeeded in subjugating the American people and ruining the U.S. economy.

Many Americans want to live in a bubble, avoiding contact with anything that might threaten their comfortable existence. Their fear makes them easy to stampede.
In reality, safety is an illusion. Step out your front door and you risk your life. As of May 3, 67,595 had died from the coronavirus in the United States.

In 2018, 647,457 Americans died of heart disease, 599,108 of cancer, 169,936 from accidents of all kinds (including roughly 40,000 highway fatalities), 55,672 from influenza and pneumonia, and 47,173 from suicide.

To stay safe, don’t smoke or drink, don’t get too excited, get in a car or climb a ladder, stay indoors, lose weight, avoid human contact during flu season, and don’t get depressed. Try not to think about Fingers Biden as president.
Despite the initial hype (first one million would die, then 500,000, then less than 100,000), the coronavirus turns out not to be more contagious or lethal than a really bad flu. The probability of dying from COVID-19 in the United States is 1.5 out of 10,000. Not bad odds.

In Sweden without a draconian shutdown regime, the probability of death from the coronavirus rises slightly to 2.0 out of 10,000. In the United States, the risk for healthy individuals under 55 is probably 1.5 in 100,000.

COVID-19 isn’t the first time a flock of squawking Chicken Littles, feathers flying in all directions, has tried to terrify us with dire warnings of impending doom, just the most successful.

Overpopulation – In “The Population Bomb” (1969) Paul Ehrlich predicted worldwide starvation in the 1970s, due to population growth outstripping food production and the depletion of natural resources. If you missed that, don’t feel bad. Everyone else did too. New methods of cultivation increased the yield per acre. Greater demand led to new discoveries of oil and other resources.

Nuclear War – In 1947, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists created the Doomsday Clock, which was supposed to show how close we were to planetary annihilation, due to stockpiles of nuclear weapons among other factors. When the clock started ticking, it was seven minutes to midnight – or the big bang. In January 2020, with Trump in office, we were just 100 seconds away from Armageddon. Ban the bomb! Trust Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, and the leaders of Iran.
Man-Made Climate Change – Due to burning fossil fuels, the ozone layer is shrinking. Soon, sea-levels will rise to unimagined heights, polar bears on surfboards wearing Hawaiian shirts will glide by the island of Manhattan (if it isn’t underwater) and they’ll be growing tropical fruit in Antarctica. Al Gore made a fortune with “An Inconvenient Truth.” Little Greta Thunberg mesmerized the U.N. General Assembly whining that grownups “stole my future.” And Commissar Ocasio Cortez devised a Green New Deal to deindustrialize America. Almost the entire Democratic Party is now onboard. Man-made climate change is based largely on those infallible computer models.

And now we have a lockdown going into its sixth week, so Dr. Fauci can do nightly briefings and Democratic governors can be little Caesars. And when it’s all over, they’ll present themselves as saviors. If It weren’t for social distancing and the lockdown, you’d all be dead, the Michigan Dominatrix and New York’s Il Duce will tell voters. If you object, they’ll label you anti-science.
Add to the current death toll civil liberties, representative government, and all of the economic gains since the end of the last recession.
Earlier generations of Americans wouldn’t have stood for it. Tar and feathers would be in short supply.
We cheerfully comply. According to an April 29 NPR/Marist poll, 65% say they’re opposed to letting Americans get back to work without more testing. Presumably, that includes pets.
The Corona-crats won’t let you go to church, won’t let Dads play catch with their sons in parks, and won’t let healthy men and women go to work or dine in restaurants. It makes us wear face masks to buy groceries. It forces some independent businessmen to witness the deaths of what it took a lifetime to build.

How did we get here? Was it the feminization of America, whereby we’ve been taught to spurn what used to be called “manly virtues”? In an era of transgendered rights, micro-aggressions, and drag-queen story hours, manhood is out of fashion.

People are no longer even ashamed to admit they’re cowards. The Land of the Free depends on the brave. That’s why we’re losing more territory every day.

But there are still some patriots left. You can see them in the growing number of protests and in the City of Stillwater, Oklahoma which amended a rule requiring the use of face masks in restaurants and stores (which are still open) after “employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” in the words of the city manager.

I wonder if I could apply for asylum.

In the midst of history’s greatest war, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and died just 11 weeks into his fourth term. "To the Best of My Ability" is a nine-part podcast series that examines what happens in the wake of his death, pulling directly from the newly sworn-in President Harry S. Truman’s diaries, oral histories from the men and women who lived through it, and more. Join The National WWII Museum as we explore the tragedies, triumphs, and difficult choices made by one of history’s most unexpected leaders.

"To the Best of My Ability" is available on all major platforms.


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For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

  Coningsby: Or The New Generation And, The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings, and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments’ plans. — Benjamin Disraeli, Speech at Aylesbury, Great Britain, September 10, 1870

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