

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

While Congress wastes time, the Trump Economy makes history

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While Congress wastes time, the Trump Economy makes history

When President Trump was elected, the left’s most famous economist-turned-newspaper-columnist predicted, “a global recession, with no end in sight.”

Instead, the Trump Economy has delivered month after month of job creation and wage growth, even as the Beltway Pundit Circus foams at the mouth for either a recession or an impeachment coup to bail out their busted prophesies.

Friday’s historic jobs report won’t help matters for them, but it will help millions of American workers who are being pulled off the sidelines—and up the income ladder:
  • The big headline: America’s unemployment rate dropped to 3.5 percent, its lowest level in 50 years
  • African-American unemployment is now at the lowest level ever recorded
  • Hispanic-American unemployment is also at a historic low
  • For those without a high school diploma, the unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in nearly 3 decades

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