

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

RAZIN' CAIN ~ 10/8/2019 ~ Since When Did America Become a Designated Welfare Provider?

 Razin' Cain





Bill Still's Analysis of Trump's tweets ... 

The nations that have suffered greatly at the hands of ISIS during the crisis in Syria have been Turkey, Russia, Iran and of course, Syria. 

Naturally, Americans are going to hear complaints by Republican Rhinos and Democratic Politicians of how threatening it is for Trump to order our troops to pull out of Syria.  Why not? It has been the Left's position, during the Obama Administration, to attack Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, who is supported by Russia.  It wasn't that long ago when Putin had directed our attention toward NATO missiles pointing at Mother Russia ... (assuming) NATO waited for Hillary to be confirmed as president in 2016 before attacking. Have Americans forgotten how close we came to a nuclear war with Russia just before the November 2016 election?


Note:  Hillary refers to a possible missile strike on Hawaii from North Korea.  Hmmm... whatever happened to that sub? Hillary has no fear of pressing that Nuclear button to attack Russia, killing many innocent lives.  She can't possibly care about American lives when she advocates full-term abortions.

It's only fitting to bring to light the circling of wagons by Hillary's political supporters since it's very clear to most Americans that the multi-million dollar windfall received by Democrats regarding Mueller investigation witch hunt and the now discovered Fake News Whistleblowers about a Trump phone call to Ukraine has always been about, Hillary not becoming president. 

Her comrades within the Democratic Party will always rally alongside her agendas and efforts to derail President-Elect, Donald J Trump. So in that regard, let's reflect upon Hillary's speech given before the 2016 presidential election.  

In a promised speech by Hillary about how she would destroy ISIS, her proposed solution would entail a 3-part battle:  against Syria's president, Bashar al-Assad, Russia, and Iran.  Hillary wanted to create a no-fly only to the north of Syria, which was controlled by Islamic State (including their capital, Raqqa) and essentially, protect the Obama administration's CIA-favored Syrian rebels affiliated with al-Qaeda.  That no-fly zone would have also prevented Russia, an ally of Assad, to use warplanes even though they have an air and naval base in Syria.  

Thank goodness Trump put a stop to that venture!

 Tucker Carlson, Fox News has it all together  πŸ‘
"For once, Americans are coming home from a Middle Eastern tar pit, rather than staying forever, and we ought to be celebrating that. Across the country people are. But in Washington, people are apoplectic"

On a personal note, it is my understanding that President Trump receives a Military Intel Report every morning. We don't have access to that info and neither do those who are providing unsolicited advice to Trump via MSM/internet. Trump has stated that because of security reasons, there are some things that go Behind the scenes, Joe Public is not aware of.  Trump loves this nation and has proven his dedication during nearly and ONLY 3 years as president by uplifting a failing economy and so much more.  Because of President Trump's many accomplishments for this nation within a short amount of time, more so than any other president has done in the past 15 years, I'm willing to bet he'll not let us down.  With a cabinet of handpicked, brilliant people to assist him, let the Chess Master make this call.  In the past, our federal government seemed to have always found a battle to uphold outside our borders, costing citizens time, lives and money, which also had seemed to force our way of life into their culture.  So if Trump says it's time to go, its time to go.  We need our capable soldiers here, back home to defend our nation just in case of a Deep State attack (you never know!) as Trump retaliates against their coup.  

On that note, national leaders, pull up your big boy pants (and the ladies, your panties) and have a go at running your own national affairs as we all sing ...

What I've inserted within this post, may provide that "ahha moment" as to why Trump is receiving flack for bringing home our troops in Syria.  And, maybe now some of that anti-American sentiment will disappear because this is what some of their citizens who burn our flag, wanted. Butt out America, it's the NWO European Union's turn as they work hand in hand with the United Nations!  Trump has stated that the Kurds were paid very well during the crisis... and now that meal ticket is over.  So for the now jobless Kurds, if you need financial assistance, head on over to the nearest available unemployment office.  That's what our veterans have to do.

As Trump has tweeted: "...we can always go back & BLAST!"... at a price... 😏 The Art of the Deal.



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