

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Kavanaugh Handshake Snub Was a Dem-Created Setup

Kavanaugh Handshake Snub Was a Dem-Created Setup

Dems and the Leftmedia coordinated a juvenile smear against Kavanaugh.
In their ongoing campaign to obstruct President Donald Trump at every turn, Democrats have been digging deep into their bag of tricks. This week’s objective is to derail the confirmation of Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, a man who by all measures has proven himself to be a fair judge with a brilliant judicial mind. In other words, he’s just the type of person all Americans who hold the Constitution in high esteem should want sitting on the nation’s highest court. But clearly, Democrats and their increasingly hard-left base want little to do with constitutionally consistent jurisprudence. No, if a justice doesn’t commit to standing in support of leftist causes, then that person must be declared “unfit” for the job.
But it’s difficult to label a man as evil if nothing in his history supports such a conclusion, so Democrats and their Leftmedia cohorts must manufacture a smear with the hope that it will taint a good man’s reputation enough to promote their own agenda.
A classic example of this smear campaign was demonstrated at Kavanaugh’s first day of hearings on Tuesday. After being delayed by several leftist protesters, the hearing was interrupted numerous times by protesters randomly shouting statements against Kavanaugh and Trump. As we previously noted, it was a circus. So, within this obviously hostile environment, a designed moment was staged to rattle Kavanaugh. As the hearing broke for lunch, a man suddenly jumped up to shake Kavanaugh’s hand, but Kavanaugh, clearly unfamiliar with who the individual was, did not return the shake in part because he was turned around by security and escorted out.
The scene was captured by a press photographer (just as intended), and it went viral on social media. The stuntman wrote, “Just walked up to Judge Kavanaugh as morning session ended. Put my hand to introduce myself as [Parkland victim] Jaime Guttenberg’s dad. He pulled his hand back, turned his back to me and walked away. I guess he did not want to deal with the reality of gun violence.” So Kavanaugh is really not a nice guy, you see, and he doesn’t care about “gun violence.”
Once again there is much more to the story that reveals both motives and who was behind this whole smear. Fred Guttenberg, the father of a victim of the Parkland attack, was invited to the hearing by none other than Demo gun-grabber extraordinaire Dianne Feinstein. After the hearing, she bragged, “I invited Fred Guttenberg to sit in the audience at today’s hearing because the Supreme Court affects the lives of real people. He knows firsthand how Brett Kavanaugh’s extreme views on guns could lead to more massacres. Thank you, Fred, for honoring your daughter.”
And Guttenberg himself was no mere gullible pawn of the Democrats. On Monday, Guttenberg wrote, “I will be at Kavanaugh hearings and I hope to play a role in ensuring that this man does not become the next Supreme Court Justice.” Play a role, indeed. This whole event was a classic Democrat setup, orchestrated to smear Kavanaugh.

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