

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Giuliani Drops MOAB On AWOL Jeff Sessions: If There Is Any Justice Why Is Hillary Payment To Fusion GPS Not Under Investigation?

Image result for Giuliani Drops MOAB On AWOL Jeff Sessions: If There Is Any Justice Why Is Hillary Payment To Fusion GPS Not Under Investigation?

Giuliani Drops MOAB On AWOL Jeff Sessions: If There Is Any Justice Why Is Hillary Payment To Fusion GPS Not Under Investigation?

The Washington Post reported in October 2017 that the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for the Fusion GPS dossier alleging Russian ties with the presidential campaign of Republican Donald Trump and sordid phony personal smears of Trump.
Hillary’s team lied for nearly a year about funding this anti-Trump junk dossier.
Hillary Clinton later lied and said she didn’t know about the Russia dossier that her campaign actually paid for until after Buzzfeed published the 35-page document in January of 2017.
Documents released in August of this year by Judicial Watch also reveal the FBI was also paying Fusion GPS dossier author Christopher Steele.
The junk dossier that was never verified by the intelligence community because it read like a trashy porn novel was the “evidence” used in FBI FISA requests to spy on Donald Trump’s campaign and his administration.
On Thursday AWOL Attorney General Jeff Sessions released a ridiculous statement attacking his boss and President Trump.
Sessions said his department “will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.”
That’s when Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani weighed in and told Sessions to WAKE UP!
Rudy Giuliani: If there is any justice left at DOJ why is payment by Hillary Clinton and DNC to FusionGPS for the phony Steele dossier not under investigation. On your theory in Cohen plea, it’s an illegal campaign contribution. Let’s go DOJ wake up. where’s the indictment. Clintons not above the law
Read the Hill-Mark Penn’s article demonstrating Cohen pled guilty to two payments that are not violations of the law. If campaign paid for settling private claims it would be fraud. Any nutty theory to harass the President.
If there is any justice left at DOJ why is payment by Hillary Clinton and DNC to FusionGPS for the phony Steele dossier not under investigation. On your theory in Cohen plea it’s an illegal campaign contribution.Let’s go DOJ wake up. where’s the indictment. Clintons not above law
The Washington Post reported in October 2017 that the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for the Fusion GPS dossier alleging Russian ties with the presidential campaign of Republican Donald Trump and sordid phony personal smears of Trump
Hillary’s team lied for nearly a year about funding this anti-Trump junk dossier.

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