

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Janet Varney


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In Christianity, the inverted Latin cross is a symbol of human humility and unworthiness compared to Jesus. In modern times, the symbol has also taken on an anti-Christian meaning to some, demonstrating complete opposition to the religion by inverting its primary symbol.

The upside-down cross, or the inverted cross, is a symbol with a long history and, in modern times, divergent meanings. As its name implies, an upside-down cross is simply a Latin cross turned so that the crosspiece is closer to the bottom than the top. A person hanging on such a cross would be positioned head-downwards.

For centuries, the inverted cross was considered a Christian symbol, based on an ancient tradition that the apostle Peter was crucified upside down. One version of the story says that Peter, facing martyrdom by crucifixion, requested that his cross be inverted because he felt unworthy to die in the same manner as Christ. The upside-down cross, sometimes called the Cross of St. Peter or the Petrine cross, thus became a symbol of humility. The inverted cross is sometimes associated with the pope, who Catholics believe can trace his authority back to Peter. Artwork featuring the Petrine cross may contain an overlay of the “keys of heaven,” based on Matthew 16:19.

Recently, however, it is common for the upside-down cross to be used as a symbol of atheism, humanism, and the occult. Several black metal bands use an inverted cross to call attention to their supposed devotion to Satan. Upside-down crosses appear in horror movies such as The Omen and The Conjuring as a signal of demonic activity. The symbol crops up in tattoos, on pendants, and as a logo on t-shirts. Sometimes, it is accompanied by statements such as “Believe in Yourself,” “There Is No God,” “Black Mass,” or “Not Transformed.” In these contexts, the obvious intent of the inverted cross is to declare an opposition to Christianity. Turning the cross upside down becomes a means of denying the truth of Christ and mocking His sacrifice.

In January 2018 Chelsea Clinton described Satanism as a “religion” that “deserves our respect”, as the “Satan-gate” scandal continues spiraling out of control, threatening to derail the spawn of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s budding political aspirations.
The 37-year-old Clinton fired back at critics who denounced her warm greeting to the Church of Satan on Twitter on January 1, claiming that Satanists, devil-worshippers and Luciferian’s deserve civility and respect.

Chelsea Clinton has been seen in many pictures throughout the years wearing the upside-down cross. Although she denied that she practices Satanism after a Trump supporter on Twitter took the former first daughter's exchange of New Year's wishes with the Church of Satan to mean she was affiliated with the group.

“I’m a Methodist & my husband is Jewish, thank you for asking,” Clinton responded to the woman. Unbelievably, the spawn of Bill and Hillary Clinton also compared Satanism to her own religion, Methodist Christianity, and her husband’s Jewish faith.

After Clinton and model Chrissy Teigen were tagged in a Twitter thread with the account for Hooters restaurants, Clinton responded, “In 2017, @ChurchofSatan & I were put on a few threads together. In 2018, it’s… @Hooters. What a time to be alive Chrissy!”
The Church of Satan saw the tweet and wished Clinton a happy new year.
Far-right activist Jack Posobiec shared a photo of the exchange, prompting Twitter user named Rhonda Kazmierski to express appreciation for Clinton’s openness about “worshipping” Satan.

“If only @HillaryClinton could be as honest,” added Kazmierski, who identifies herself as a backer of President Trump in her Twitter biography.

Kazmierski's tweet has since been deleted.

Chelsea Clinton’s Satan-gate incident is merely the latest example of a public figure normalizing Satanism.  Jay-Z described Jesus Christ as “the original fake news“ late in 2017. Miley Cyrus said “Hail Satan” on live radio and claimed she has a closer relationship with the devil than with her “earthly father“, Billy Ray. Rihanna was caught telling children in Barbados that “if Jesus hasn’t answered your prayers, try praying to Satan. “

These incidents have sparked fears around the world that the Illuminati (read my article on Illuminati) have moved onto the next phase of their master plan, and have begun openly promoting dark spirituality as a viable religious choice for those seeking guidance.

Chelsea Clinton’s attempt to normalize Satanism, telling her followers that the “Church of Satan” is a religion that deserves respect, is more than simple liberal politically correct hogwash. It is subversive evil.

So, what is the meaning of an upside-down cross? It depends on the context. When the symbol is used in a church setting, it is most likely a reference to Peter and the manner of his death. In other contexts, the inverted cross is often an anti-Christian symbol. In our fallen world, holiness is often mocked and what is good and pure is twisted by the “god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4). The cross, a symbol of Christ, is turned upside down to become a symbol of the devil.

Now recently Chelsea Clinton’s musings, during a progressive event over the weekend, suggested that the legalization of abortion was a boon to the U.S. economy. Say what??

At the “Rise Up for Roe Tour,” which kicked off Saturday in New York City, the former first daughter of President Bill Clinton argued that the Supreme Court’s landmark 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade added more than $3 trillion to the economy by women entering the workforce.

“Whether you kind of fundamentally care about reproductive rights and access, right, because again these are not the same thing — if you care about social justice or economic justice, agency — you have to care about this,” she said, according to a clip published by the Media Research Center. “It is not a disconnected fact … that American women entering the labor force from 1970 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy, right?

“The net, new entrance of women — that is not disconnected from the fact that Roe became the law of the land in January of 1973,” she said. “So, I think, whatever it is that people say they care about, I think that you can connect to this issue. Of course, I would hope that they would care about our equal rights and dignity to make our own choices, but if that is not sufficiently persuasive, hopefully, some of these other arguments that you’re hearing expressed so beautifully will be."

By Janet Varney

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