

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Two Arrested, Indicted On Claims Of Spying For Iran

The two were caught taking pictures of Iranian dissidents and Jewish facilities in the United States

The Barack Obama administration spent far too much time coddling and even cozying up to the Iranian government, removing sanctions on the grounds that it would lead to some ‘deal’ that would hopefully limit their nuclear aspirations. But, rather than that, the US has indicted two Iranian spies who were caught collecting intelligence on Jewish organizations and dissident groups in the United States and may have been operating on cash that the Obama administration turned over to them, according to some.
According to an article in the Hebrew-language Yediot Achronotsince Obama returned access to their money back to the Iranians, they have funneled more than $100 million to the Palestinian terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Earlier today, it was even announced that two Iranians have been indicted on charges of spying for the Iranian government.
These two men were indicted for taking pictures of a number of “Israeli and Jewish facilities” around the United States.
Among those sites were the Rohr Center for Jewish Life in Hyde Park, which is a college neighborhood in ChicagoIllinois.
The Rohr Center for Jewish Life services students who are Jewish and who go to the University of Chicago.
The two men arrested by the federal government, Ahmadreza Mohammadi-Doostdar, 38 years old, and Majid Ghorbani, 59, were allegedly taking pictures and video surveillance of ‘political opponents’ on behalf of the nation of Iran.
Doostdar, who holds dual citizenship with both the United States and Iran, and Ghorbani, an Iranian citizen, were charged with conspiracy, knowingly acting as agents of the government of Iran without prior notification to the Attorney General (Jeff Sessions), and providing services to Iran in violation of sanctions laid down by the United States.
According to the indictments, Doostdar was taking pictures of the Rohr Center in Illinois on or about July 21, 2017. The documents claim that he was taking pictures not just of the facility, but also of ‘security fixtures’ around the facility.
On September 20, 2017, the documents claim that Ghorbani attended a MEK rally in New York City. MEK is a group that advocates for the overthrow of the Iranian government, and he was there taking pictures of individuals involved in the rally.
Around December 2017, the two met up in Los Angeles, where Doostdar gave Ghorbani$2,000 in cash and in exchange received from the Iranian citizen 28 pictures taken at the MEK rally, many of which contained hand-written notes identifying the various people in the images.
When Doostdar was caught in a U.S. airport attempting to fly back to Iran, he was found with those pictures, as well as a receipt for the money transferred, concealed in his luggage during his trip to Iran in December 2017.
The indictment also alleged that Ghorbani told Doostdar he would be going to Iran to conduct an ‘in-person briefing’ in March 2018, and that this was the reason for his travel to his home nation at that time.
Then, Ghorbani returned to America in time to go to the MEK-affiliated 2018 Iran Freedom Convention for Human Rights, hosted in Washington D.C., during which he photographed a number of speakers and attendees, including delegations from across the United States.
According to court documents, on May 14, the pair discussed clandestine methods for providing this information to Iran.
The reason that these two have caused such concern is because Iran has a history of striking out at political dissidents and Jewish organizations in other nations.
Perhaps the most famous example is the 1983 Iranian bombing of the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but there have been other attacks carried out by Iranian organizations around the world.
Iran has long targeted Israel, and the Jewish people, for death, just like they have played at least some role in targeting American soldiers abroad by providing equipment to Islamic extremist groups.
It seems that, despite Obama’s pretense that Iran would play nice if they were treated kindly, all it did was embolden them to spy on people they perceive as their ‘enemies’ right under the noses of the American government.
The pair each face a maximum penalty of five years in prison for the conspiracy charge, ten years for acting as an agent of a foreign power, and 20 years for violating the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which is the source of U.S. sanctions against Iran.
In other words, if convicted, they could spend 35 years in prison, each.
Hopefully, that would be enough time to keep them from being able to put Jewish groups, or dissident groups of Iranians, in any danger for the foreseeable future.

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