

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Janet Varney


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Many years ago, Democrats were known for their staunch support of peaceful protests and our First Amendment rights guaranteeing free speech. Today, party activists have become intolerant, hateful and, in too many cases, violent. It seems that almost every week a Trump administration official or supporter is being badgered by leftist protesters.

This type of insanity is happening throughout the country. According to liberal professor Alan Dershowitz, a woman at a party in Martha’s Vineyard threatened to “stab him through the heart.” The threat was issued because Dershowitz does not support the impeachment of Donald Trump. As Dershowitz correctly noted, “The Democrat Party has been taken over by radicals who have no interest in due process…. they don’t want any dissent, they don’t want any argument.”

What Democrats demand is total unity in their campaign to stop Donald Trump. To accomplish this goal, they encourage harassing Trump officials, supporters and average citizens. In too many instances, this campaign of persecution is morphing into actual violence.

The American people that voted for Trump are hated. The Republican Party is hated. The alternative conservative media is hated. The American people are running around thinking that all the hate and the racism and all these other isms are located on the Republican Party side. The Republican Party has bent over backwards not even criticizing Democrats in hopes that people wouldn’t think they’re what the Democrats say they are, while the Democrats go out and behave that way times ten all the time every day and never get called on it.

But they are the hate groups, they are the hate party, they are the people that literally thrive and subsist on it. And you can see it. You can see it in these protests. You can see it in these so-called acts of dissent, which are nothing more than riots.

It happened in Boynton Beach, Florida on Independence Day. Trump supporter Jeff Good was enjoying a fireworks presentation from his driveway. He also proudly displayed a Donald Trump flag on his lawn; however, this was unacceptable to a couple driving by in a vehicle. They demanded Good remove his flag, but he refused. As a result, Good was punched by the driver and dragged thirty feet in his car when his arm became caught in the door. Fortunately, he was able to escape with minor bruises, scrapes, and cuts. At the current time, the local police are still investigating, and no arrests have been made.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected, this leftist violence has been escalating.

U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was attacked by his liberal Democrat neighbor while he was mowing the yard and last week his family was threatened by a Berkeley man who vowed to “kill” Paul and “chop up” his family “with an ax.”

Here are 20 reasons to dislike the democratic party:

1) Ted Kennedy. Barney Frank. Rod Blagojevich. Eric Massa. Marion Barry. Dan Rostenkowski. Eliot Spitzer. John Murtha. Alcee Hastings. Anthony Weiner. James Traficant. Sandy Berger. Gerry Studds. Robert Byrd. Mel Reynolds. James McGreevey. Jesse Jackson, Jr. Robert Torricelli. Gary Condit. Bill Clinton. John Edwards. And those are JUST SOME OF THE ONES that got caught.

2) The estimated number of people killed in the Holocaust? 11 million. The estimated number of people who were killed in WWI? 37 million. The estimated number of babies who have been killed because of the Democrats’ beloved Roe v. Wade, 54 million.

3) The three worst Presidents of the last one hundred years have been Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, and Lyndon Johnson, in that order.

4) The Democrats in the audience actually BOOED GOD at their 2012 Democratic National Convention.

5) The Democrat Party's slogan in 1868: "This is a white man’s country: Let white men rule."

6) California is a large state with Hollywood, gorgeous weather, Silicon Valley, thriving farmers, dynamic ports and Los Angeles; yet the state is fast becoming a banana republic that will be incredibly fortunate if it can stave off bankruptcy for another decade. Democrats did that.

7) When the Social Security checks stop, your children are wearing rags and there are rampaging mobs burning things down because the government can't keep order, you can thank the Democrats for bankrupting America.

8) The Trail Of Tears.

9) The Democrats have blue as their party color when everyone knows they should be represented by red like the rest of the Commies.

10) The Democrats actually have taxpayer-funded abortion on demand right up until the day of birth in the party platform.

11) The Democrats fought Republicans for more than a hundred years on civil rights issues, finally came around to our position and then claimed we were the ones against civil rights. What's it like?

13) "It’s an obsession with the Democrats to nationalize everything: health care, welfare, the speed limit, abortion, the drinking age — so there’s no escape. Like all totalitarians, the Democrats’ position is: We thought up something that we know will work better than anything anyone else has done for the last 30,000 years. We don’t know why no one else has thought of it. We must be smarter. This is why the history of liberalism consists of replacing things that work with things that sounded good on paper." -- Ann Coulter

14) Democrat President Woodrow Wilson was an honest-to-goodness fascist in the true sense of the word. Indeed, it is my argument that during World War I, America became a fascist country, albeit temporarily. The first appearance of modern totalitarianism in the Western world wasn’t in Italy or Germany but in the United States of America. How else would you describe a country where the world’s first modern propaganda ministry was established; political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon, and thrown in jail simply for expressing private opinions; the national leader accused foreigners or immigrants of injecting treasonous “poison into the American bloodstream;” newspapers and magazines were shut down for criticizing the government; nearly a hundred thousand government propaganda agents were sent out among the people to whip up support for the regime and its war; college professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues; nearly a quarter-million goons were given legal authority to intimidate and beat “slackers” and dissenters; and leading artists and writers dedicated their crafts to proselytizing for the government?

15) The Democrats are the KKK Party. Not only did they create the KKK, Democrat Robert Byrd was the last member of Congress to hold membership in the KKK, Democrat Hugo Black was the last member of the Supreme Court to hold membership in the KKK and Democrat Harry Truman was the last President to hold membership in the KKK. Now, whom do the Democrats blame for the KKK? Republicans.

16) The Democrat Party symbol is the ass. Yes, seriously.

17) The only two Presidents that have been impeached so far are Democrat Andrew Johnson and Democrat Bill Clinton.

18) Barack Obama's entire presidency.

19) The Democrats got us into the Vietnam War, put rules of engagement in place that made it impossible to win, destroyed public support for the war with their incompetence and dirty, hippie protests and then after Nixon put us on track to win, made sure we lost by cutting off funds to our allies in the South after we left, which led to a genocide.

20) Thanks for making us fight a Civil War because you loved slavery so much, assclowns!

At this point, it would be helpful if Democratic Party leaders issued a strong and unified statement condemning not only the violence but also the hateful rhetoric and harassment. Until then, we should expect more of this dangerous behavior from the unhinged mob on the left. Let’s hope and pray no one is injured or killed for committing the “offense” of supporting Donald Trump.

By Janet Varney

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