Friday, July 6, 2018


Janet Varney


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New proof the FBI slow-walked and undermined its own investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email abuses has given a former Navy sailor pardoned by President Trump new determination to press on with a malicious prosecution lawsuit against senior members of the Obama administration.

Any of us that have been watching this case as it’s unfolding now we see that in fact, the fix was in. They were making sure that no matter what happened, Hillary Clinton wasn’t going to get prosecuted and nobody around her was because they would have folded on her and it's shameful.

Newly unsealed documents from federal court show that the FBI put little energy into investigating Hillary Clinton, senior aide Huma Abedin, and others.

The documents also confirmed three things Republicans have been complaining about for years. First, the FBI did not use grand jury subpoenas to interview witnesses including State Department employees, those who set up Clinton’s private e-mail server and those who had knowledge of the e-mails, so in other words, all of the 72 witnesses testified voluntarily and none of them was under oath or had their testimony recorded. What a slap in the face to the American people, and worse than that what a waste of taxpayers money.

The FBI also did not obtain search warrants for the laptops used by Clinton’s attorneys Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson. Instead, the emails on those laptops were secured through consent agreements. Even lead FBI agent Peter Strzok who the I.G. [i.e. Inspector General of the Department of Justice Michael E. Horowitz] did conclude was biased was pushing to use more aggressive investigative measures against both Mills and Samuelson. And finally the court documents show the FBI did not try to obtain the personal phones and devices of Clinton’s top aides who sometimes also use private email for State Department work and use private devices to communicate with Clinton while she was the Secretary of State even though Republicans have serious issues with things the FBI did not do in regards to the Clinton email investigation.

U.S. Navy Petty Officer First Class Saucier, a machinist’s mate on the submarine USS Alexandria from September 2007 to March 2012, went to prison for an infraction of the sort that the U.S. military normally deals with administratively.

Saucier used his cellphone to snap photographs of the vessel’s nuclear propulsion system while the ship was docked at the Naval Submarine Base in Groton, Conn. Saucier said he took pictures to show his future children what he did aboard the submarine.

He was convicted of felony unauthorized retention of national defense information and obstruction of justice. On Aug. 19, 2016, he was sentenced to one year in prison, three years’ supervised release conditioned upon six months’ home confinement and the performance of 100 hours’ community service, and given an “other-than-honorable” discharge from the U.S. Navy.

Where this was low-level classified information and they threatened him and intimidated him for four years and harassed his family and finally put him away in prison for a year, shouldn’t the rest of them to be held to the same standard. Nowhere in that justice code have I found an addendum that says well if your name is Hillary Clinton or [former FBI Director] James Comey this law doesn’t apply to you, so why isn’t it? I think all American people should be asking that question.

Months after Saucier was sentenced, President Obama infamously commuted the prison sentence of U.S. Army Private Chelsea Manning whose leaking of sensitive U.S. government documents may have cost Americans and friendly foreign assets their lives. Manning stole and then gave away close to 500,000 Army field reports from Iraq and Afghanistan and 250,000 diplomatic cables from the U.S. Department of State.
On Aug. 21, 2013, Manning, whom many patriotic Americans consider to be a traitor, was sentenced to 35 years in prison, reduction in pay grade to E-1, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and a dishonorable discharge. On Jan. 17, 2017, President Obama commuted Manning’s sentence to a mere seven years’ imprisonment, which led to the disgraced soldier’s release on May 17, 2017.

This past March 9, President Trump granted Saucier, whose unauthorized photography made him guilty at worst of minor misconduct, a full and unconditional pardon “He has been recognized by his fellow service members for his dedication, skills, and patriotic spirit,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in March, as reported by Stars and Stripes.

Trump has often likened the comparatively harsh treatment Saucier received with the lax handling received by Clinton, who has never faced prosecution for her misdeeds. Trump led campaign rallies in chants of “lock her up!”

Now the parents of two Americans killed in the 2012 terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, filed a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court Monday against Hillary Clinton.
In the suit, Patricia Smith and Charles Woods, the parents of Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods, claim that Clinton's use of a private e-mail server contributed to the attacks. They also accuse her of defaming them in public statements.

The Benghazi attack was directly and proximately caused, at a minimum by defendant Clinton's 'extreme carelessness' in handling confidential and classified information," such as the location of State Department employees in Libya, the lawsuit said.

JW filed a lawsuit against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s “pay-for-play” scandal. The conservative watchdog group said it became aware that Clinton made a previously unknown $48 million on her husband’s speeches to foreign entities while she led the State Department.

Judicial Watch proved the Clinton State Department became a corrupt arm of the Clinton Foundation. The Justice and State Departments seem to be still protecting Hillary Clinton. JWis stepping into the gap and, though this and other ongoing FOIA lawsuits aim to expose and hold the Clinton cash machine accountable to the rule of law.

By Janet Varney

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