Saturday, August 24, 2019

Who Controls America's News?

Image result for 6 corporations control 90% of America's news outlets!

6 corporations control 90% of America's news outlets! Where can you get real news that doesn't push any hidden agendas?

With so many channels to surf through and so much great programming, why can’t we find anything to watch? 90% of what we watch, listen to and read is owned by 6 companies. That’s a large percentage to just be divided by a factor of six.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Leaked memos prove Google is a massive criminal enterprise

Image: Leaked memos prove Google is a massive criminal enterprise engaged in felony election meddling and racketeering

Leaked memos prove Google is a massive criminal enterprise engaged in felony election meddling and racketeering
 A bombshell series of leaked internal memos from Google reveals that the search engine is engaged in a massive criminal enterprise that may be prosecuted for engaging in “criminal racketeering.” The Daily Caller has acquired these internal memos which describe the manual process whereby Google selectively de-lists news websites that focus on conservative content, natural health and vaccine awareness information, among other topics. Once websites are targeted by Google for being blacklisted, virtually none of their pages appear in any search results whatsoever. (Natural News was almost completely blacklisted beginning in June of 2017.)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Trump’s Excellent Plan To Fight Big Tech Censorship

I have been shut down on FaceBook twice for comments made. One about abortion and one about political opinion. Also, have had posts removed because THEY believed they were in violation of their policies. If that does not constitute censoring, I do not know what does. I also receive posts stating that "this content is not available at this time.

It's way past due, what happened to common sense and honest politicians. The Democrats are just evil criminals that hate the constitution and the Republicans who are afraid to put their foot down and fight for the Conservative policy's and are Constitutional right's
It's about time to hold these folks accountable !!


This whole establishment needs an enema. When it's all over, we can flush all the turds goodbye!

The Dems are digging their party's grave. Americans do not wish to become Socialists and their constant focus on impeaching President. Trump (in lieu of performing their jobs as senators and representatives) has long lost meaning. And the Dems their Minds!

There is something very bizarre happening to the Democratic party.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Thursday, August 1, 2019