

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Janet Varney


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Up until 2016, the Rose emoji-only had two days in the sun: Mothers' Day and Valentines' Day.

Since before the election of 2016, however, rose emoji began popping up in droves on social media, not as aesthetic, but as symbols.

The DSA, which boasts a Twitter following of more than 70,000, first started to amplify their social media presence after Bernie Sanders began his campaign for the presidency in 2015, a DSA spokesperson said.

Shortly after the Sanders campaign began, two members of the DSA social media committee came up with the idea to start pushing the use of the rose emoji, as the rose is traditionally a symbol for democratic socialism.

The red rose has always been an important symbol with anti-authoritarian associations, prominently displayed at early May Day celebrations in the 19th century, and later adopted by Democratic Socialist parties in the U.S. and abroad.

The real growth occurred after Donald Trump won the presidency, which skyrocketed membership up to 21,000. The DSA also credits movements like Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter for their membership.

The DSA began asking their followers to incorporate the rose emoji into their profiles to show that they were "not afraid to stand behind democratic socialism and the DSA.

Placed next to usernames and in bios, the rose emoji signals more than an undying love for American Beauty: it indicates membership in the Democratic Socialists of America.

Though they do their cunning best to keep it well hidden from a seemingly unsuspecting electorate, there is no difference between the Democratic Socialists of America Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, New York City congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the plain old, same old Progressive Democrats.

Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez come right out hee-hawing as Karl Marx branded Socialists.  Democrats (Sen. Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, et al) hide behind the name “Progressives”. One is as just as deadly as the other because behind all the media hype, both are exactly the same.

As if they weren’t a part of the political underbelly all along, blames the surge in Democratic Socialism on (drum roll, please) persnickety President Donald Trump.

The “age of Trump” is not yet two years old.  The Age of Communism as old as the hills.
We live in an age where President Trump is blamed for everything by a party of hecklers and haters, aided and abetted by the MSM, social media and Entertainment Industry.  Call it ‘The Undercover Party of Democrat Socialists and Progressives Forever TOGETHER’.

Is it perchance raining where you are today? Blame that blankety-blank Donald Trump. Did some other aging Hollywood star get the role you have long coveted? Blame Trump with an F-bomb thrown in for good measure.  Do beastly boys ogle your daughter in the hallways of the high school she attends?  You KNOW who should be blamed for that.
While the Democratic Socialists of America are hiding behind the rose symbol, sending the rose emoji viral over the Internet, the Progressive Democrats are coming up with new names for the same old business of taking America down.

‘For the People’ is the not-so-new slogan of the DNC. ‘For the People’ covers women, children, immigrants and all Comrades in Arms, but not does not include white, male, Christian Conservatives or 63-million plus deplorables.

Then there’s the name of Former First Lady Michelle Obama’s new nonprofit voter registration: When We All Vote.
How does anything co-chaired by Obama end up in the “nonprofit”, “nonpartisan” category?

“In addition to the Hamilton creator and the first lady, the co-chairs of the national nonpartisan organization include actor Tom Hanks country music stars (and spouses) Faith Hill and Tim McGraw, basketball player Chris Paul and singer-songwriter Janelle MonĂ¡e.

“Through extensive social media and digital outreach, the national organization aims to increase the number of eligible citizens who register to vote and who actually show up to the polls on Election Day.

“The launch video shows Obama and Miranda personally making voter registration calls, reminding the other co-chairs to vote in every election — “school board, state house, all of them,” Obama instructs.

“Voting is the only way to ensure that our values and priorities are represented in the halls of power,” Obama says in a statement in When We All Vote’s press release. “And it’s not enough to just vote for president every four years. We all have to vote in every single election: for mayor, governor, school board, the state legislature, and Congress. The leaders we elect to these offices help determine just about every aspect of our lives and our democracy. So the future of our families, our communities, and our country belong to those of us who show up, cast our votes, and make our voices heard.

“Voting is a small act that proves that we are a democracy — a government of the people and by the people. It’s up to each and every one of us to make sure our government doesn’t just represent a small some — not just the most powerful—but all of us. When we all vote, we are making strides toward a more perfect union,” Hanks says in a statement.” Their rose symbol is a red fist and their leaders mostly millionaires
This is not the DaVinci Code, Mr. Hanks, its real-life struggling against soul-killing socialism.

Laughable that it was tired, old socialist Bernie Sanders who managed to revive the red rose as a symbol of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

“Shortly after the Sanders campaign began, two members of the DSA social media committee came up with the idea to start pushing the use of the rose emoji, “as the rose is traditionally a symbol for democratic socialism.”

“There is little distinction made between the terms “democratic socialism” and “socialism” in the group’s literature.” Nor is there any reference to democratic socialism and progressive socialism being one and the same.

” While DSA-backed candidates promote a “big-tent” philosophy, the group’s constitution describes its members as socialists who “reject an economic order based on private profit” and “share a vision of a humane social order based on popular control of resources and production, economic planning, equitable distribution, feminism, racial equality and non-oppressive relationships.

“Members during public meetings often refer to each other as “comrades,” wear clothing featuring socialist symbols like the rose and promote authors such as Karl Marx.”
Their rose symbol is a red fist and their leaders mostly millionaires.

Committing to a socialist organization may be the stuff of your grandfather's nightmares, but with a majority of Americans supporting a single-payer, federally funded healthcare system, it's no longer taboo. Their dreamy rose has started to grow real roots in the soil.

By Janet Varney

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