

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


FOX News Goes Full MSM; Informs Top Reporters To Cease & Desist Investigations of FBI and Obama-Era Corruption

Fox News in recent days told its top reporters to cease and desist working on any investigative stories that expose FBI corruption and probes of wrongdoing during the Barack Obama administration
“This place has gone downhill fast,” a well-placed Fox insider said. “Basically we all have been told all Fox wants is to cover breaking news and have pundits talk about breaking news live from news published by other outlets.

So the format Fox wants for the future is network personalities talking about the news other people break, not Fox.”

That format does not include investigative or enterprising journalism, another Fox source confirmed.

“Fox quit, threw in the towel,” the second source said. “The Murdochs don’t want to make any waves during their bid to purchase Sky News and this is the direction Fox is going. No original investigative pieces.”

What happens if reporters pursue government corruption stories anyway? “They won’t see the light of day,” one source said. “Fox is withholding many stories now.”
Fox reporters are updating their resumes and looking for new jobs.
Just weeks ago, shocking allegations emerged from FOX News as officials probe a top executive who has reportedly allowed his anti-Trump politics to prevent the network from publishing breaking political and national security stories that would reflect positively on President Trump and his administration.
Now the network brass have embraced that ridiculous and biased mantra.
FOX News’ Vice President of News & its D.C. bureau Managing Editor is under investigation for killing stories detailing FBI corruption as well as national security exposés uncovering corruption during the Barack Obama administration, according to well-placed sources inside the network.
Bill Sammon runs FOX’s behemoth D.C. bureau operation and is the Vice President of news at FOX. Sammon has come under fire after distraught employees complained that he has interjected his personal politics into FOX’s news content, dictating what stories could be published by the network and on FOX’s website.
No, this is not CNN. This is “fair and balanced” FOX News.
One official said formal complaints have been filed against the top editor and executive.
Sammon is the boss of a number of staff and writers in FOX’s powerhouse D.C. bureau, just a stone’s throw from the Capitol. His understudies include Catherine Herridge, FOX’s top national security reporter. Herridge did not return requests for comment to this story.
“Sammon is a never-Trumper,” one FOX official said. “He hates Trump’s guts and has spiked just about every story that could make Trump look good. That includes FBI corruption because it vindicates the president for firing (James) Comey and hammering (Andrew) McCabe.”
In the news business when an editor or publisher deliberately tables or hides a story it is referred to as “spiking” a story. Sammon, according to network insiders, has spiked dozens of top-level stories and prevented FOX reporters from publishing exclusives.
Now the top brass at FOX are examining a number of similar allegations.
What stories have been reportedly sandbagged and tampered with? According to FOX insiders, the stories and subject matter are sweeping and include:
  • An Eric Schneiderman story linking the now-disgraced former New York attorney general to a clandestine movement of government officials to unseat Trump from the White House.
  • FBI-related scandals involving Andrew McCabe, James Comey, and more FBI top brass.
  • The FBI’s investigation of Gen. Mike Flynn
  • Justice Department and FBI corruption linked to the bogus Trump dossier and problematic FISA court warrants and wiretaps.
  • Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch infamous tarmac meeting.
  • The Susan Rice unmasking story which included other implicated members of the Obama administration. Those additional administration officials were never identified by FOX although stories detailing their involvement were completed.
  • New revelations about former Attorney General Eric Holder’s criminal role in the Fast & Furious gun-running scandal.
  • New revelations about Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s role in the tainted Benghazi debacle.
  • Additional stories.

Sammon from a Conservative Treehouse photo

“Sammon is compromised,” one FOX official said, calling him a political activist.
One FOX insider said Sammon even added material to stories that were not fact-based or from a reporter’s research and sources.
“We were wrong on a big big story because Sammon insisted on adding unsolicited material to stories,” he said. “He put his own shit into a big story. You don’t do this kind of thing.”
Shockingly, stories from FOX reporters on FBI corruption and Obama-linked scandals were held for months until other news agencies broke the same stories, FOX sources revealed. Then, sources said, Sammon would release FOX’s stories.
It was Sammon in fact who wrote the debate questions for the infamous FOX News 2016 presidential debates. Yes, that included the debate where Megyn Kelly attacked Donald Trump. Later it was revealed Sammon’s daughter served as a top official in the Marco Rubio campaign during the two nationally-televised FOX debates. Even Trump officials lamented Rubio likely had an unfair advantage during those debates.

Ask @megynkelly why she never disclosed Fox Debate Exec Bill Sammon's daughter being Marco Rubio's national campaign spox.

Rubio is no fan of Trump.
Nor, apparently, is Sammon’s daughter.

Before Rubio, Sammon’s daughter previously worked on Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign in 2012
Romney is no fan of Trump.
FOX’s Sammon did not return a request for comment.
Sammon, who has previously written numerous glowing books on the George W. Bush presidency, remains good friends with the Bush family, sources said.
The Bush family is no fan of Trump.
Sammon became Washington managing editor in February 2009. One veteran described FOX News’ D.C operation today, under Sammon’s leadership, in simplistic terms.
“It’s a fucking mess,” the FOX veteran said. “Total mess.”
This story is developing.
As a side note, this sounds like the type of story self-appointed media CZAR Howard Kurtz should be reporting about.
Whoops, we forgot. Kutz works for FOX too.

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