

Monday, June 4, 2018


Donald Trump's economy set records yet again today, even after Democrats have repeatedly claimed that he would lead the economy to ruin

Trump Economy Sets Records Yet Again
The economy set records for growth and for employment for the ninth time in his presidency.
Thanks to his pro-business stances and his background in running a business, President Donald Trump has done a lot to improve the American economy and employment numbers, which has liberals fuming.
In fact, according to a recent report from the Department of Labor‘s Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment numbers under President Trump just reached a new low, for the ninth time since he took office. Leftists, always looking for something to complain about, moaned that he ‘broke a rule’ by tweeting out his anticipation of positive news. That’s all they have. Unlike Obama, whose egotism is truly insane, they know that President Trump is the sole reason America’s economy is becoming great again.
Earlier this morning, the Commander-In-Chief tweeted that he was looking forward to seeing the release of the employment numbers, which were released at 8:30 a.m. The numbers were encouraging, to say the least.
Members of the democrat party and their media allies, though, were not happy with the early tweet. They complained that it ‘broke a rule’ and could’ve given investors a head start on profiting from the information, even though the president’s tweet included no specific information.

The number of employed Americans, according to the report, now stands at 155,474,000. That’s a record, and it represents the ninth time that the United States has set a new employment record under President Trump’s leadership.

Because of the high employment numbers, the number of unemployed Americans also dropped to a low which hasn’t been reached since January 2001, when George W. Bush took office. There are currently 6,065,000 unemployed Americans, according to the report.

That means that the nation’s unemployment rate also dropped to an extremely low level, one that hasn’t been seen since April 2000. The unemployment rate now sits around 3.8 percent.

A number of different groups set new highs for their employment rates as well.

For example, the number of African-Americans currently employed is at an all-time high, with 19,092,000 employed in the country. Strange that Donald J. Trump would be the one to set that record, given the fact that Barack Obama talked about how he was going to help improve the economic outlook of the African-American community.

Women are also employed in record numbers, according to the report. 72,69,0000 women are currently employed in the United States, marking an all-time high for female employment in the nation.

The number of employed men is also at an all-time high, with 82,784,000 men currently employed in the nation.

According to the report, the economy added 223,000 jobs in the month of May. Further, after revisions, the economy averaged out to gain 179,000 a month over the last three months.

In other words, the American economy gained more than half of a million jobs in one quarter. Assuming the economy can maintain that rate, that means more than two million jobs could be added every year, a rate that any president could be proud of.

John F. Kennedy is often quoted as saying that a “rising tide lifts all boats” (in reality, this was the motto of a Regional Chamber of Commerce in New England, and Kennedy’s speechwriter simply borrowed it for a speech). This is an idea that basically suggests that when things get better, like when economic conditions improve, they will get better for everyone.

It seems that the Donald Trump White House has embraced this model of economics, which is a far departure from Obama-era policies.

During the last eight years of presidential leadership, it seemed like the government favored the approach of attempting to ‘target’ businesses, enacting overwhelming burdens, which skyrocketed unemployment.

This, along with his outright harassment of small banks via Dodd-Frank legislation, led to an anemic economy.

Businesses didn’t expand, for fear that they would have to pay some new ‘progressive’ cost for each employee they hired, similar to how Obamacare forced them to pay more for employee insurance.

Because loan money from small banks was much more difficult to get, small businesses simply didn’t open.

When President Trump took office, however, he didn’t attempt to target specific portions of the population. He did things that were good for all businesses in the nation.

For example, he pushed for, and eventually got, a bill to reduce the corporate tax rates in the United States. He pushed for, and eventually got, a bill to roll back many of the Dodd-Frankpolicies that harassed small banks.

These things mobilized the economy.

We’re still fairly early into President Donald Trump’s first term, and already the American economy is reaping the benefits. Imagine how the economy will be doing when he spends the full eight years as president?

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